
A high-design 2 bedroom would be an incredible value for something like a vacation or 2nd home. No idea what the logistics behind actually transporting these prefab pieces would cost but I'm sure it would still be cheaper than building a 'trendy' house from scratch.

At least use deadspin's "this is so stupid" tag. How did you wind up on stoner beat anyway? Most of us can only dream about a job where the bossman suggests you start a nightly article about getting high.

I'm going to go ahead and say this will definitely be the most intelligent set of comments in gizmodo history.

OH YOU ARE KIDDING ME. I was being sarcastic with my top comment about the 'f EA!' thing, but that is ridiculous. My sincerest apologies to the OP.

You're wrong. You just download your save from the cloud to your system, no matter what system it is. Easy.

GIN.. RUMMY! I would absolutely listen to this guy on sportscenter.

Sorry, good point about dante's inferno. That IS a much better comparison. An anime inspired QTE laden game at full MSRP doesn't seem like it's going to make a big splash in the US market, but maybe I will be surprised. I'd download it on XBLA for 20$, but I can't imagine this game being a success story out of the

Yes, migration will be from standard PCs. You're ignoring new devices, namely tablets as well as laptops with huge roomy touchpads (such as my macbook air and the ultrabook clones) that are able to replicate a touch interface.

This game would be like making a bible themed game where you play as christ's apostles and beat up everything that stands in your way. So yes it's probably appealing if you know 'something' about asian mythology, but take a peek at capcom's revenue figures and tell me that they have a great concept of the gaming

Was the controller cord really that short?

It's endemic of japanese developers. They have no fucking idea what is going on. I like that they're doing this outlandish artsy stuff, but it makes no sense and is completely unmarketable to anyone.

dude chill out.

Um leaking it, if it puts our troops directly at risk. Ditto with informants, if you don't think every government has eyes and ears in each other's business you're completely nieve. That being said the press snuggling up to private intelligence companies is absolutely something that SHOULD be exposed.

Wow, huge news. Hopefully they've been tactful about what information is trickling out. Exposing this stuff is great but not when it's potentially putting our soliders or informants (that like or not keep us safe at home and abroad) at risk. / blanket statement, because I don't know what the contents pertain to yet.

Cool story bro. This seems like a fantastic piece of hardware, provided the battery lasts more than 4 hours..

Owen - sorry for your loss. He sounds like a hell of a man.

Seriously. Hardcore gamers are possibly the shittiest community of 'fans' of anything ever. It would be awesome if kotaku had a week where the banhammer was used to destroy anyone who posted a rant about bioware DLC or whatever. Being a fanboy of one system or series or whatever is one thing - blindly refusing to

Wait really? I had to refresh and make sure this wasn't an ad for sony cybershot cameras after staring for 15 seconds and my natural gizmodo-reader gadgetlust kicked in.

Hearted for that. There's no REAL reason aside from vocal gamers being the worst about this sort of thing. I.e. SWTOR players who were threatening to boycott over the newest patch, but doing so in general chat of SWTOR that they were currently playing (and enjoying you'd assume)

Confirming that I paid 40$ a ticket for fourth row seats for tonight's game against the Thunder. The Wizards are fun to watch.. and if a semi decent team is in town you can get tickets for a steal by emailing people on craigslist an hour before the game and lowballing the shit out of them.