
It is especially fucked when you compare how much work Gillian has done since X-Files ended compared to what David has done. Woman has worked her ass off and deserves to be paid accordingly, for both experience and keeping her name out in front of the public. David was in Californiacation, and that’s about it.

As a teenager I loved it but by the time I hit my twenties I realized what a shitty friend Carrie was; always ditching her friends to meet up with Big or some other annoying guy. And she was so embarrassingly bad with money for someone in their 30's that it was actually offensive.

My cat needs me right now. I have more important things to think about.

As a first generation American of Mancunian lineage, the photos are a visual representation of the song of my people - an alcohol-fueled, slurry, out-of-tune song.

I love that all the Brits are here to comment and that comment is:

Scene of recent flooding, army drafted in, lass from Lancashire strolling by wearing pyjamas with fag and wine in hand. Sums us all up.

Our bar for what classes as alcoholism is set pretty high, I’ll give you that.

They’re Mancunian. There’s a certain attitude.

That’s why Eddie Murphy takes on all those bad roles. When asked why years ago, he said ‘When I grew up, we didn’t have a lot of money. And when someone offers you a job, you take it.’

Looks like Gerard Depardeu to me.

I’m surprised no one tried to tack on an amendment banning funding for Planned Parenthood, or banning all Muslims, or something stupid like that.

Your were completely wrong to defend her. She didn’t get mysoginistic shit because she was a woman. She got shit on cause she was a horrible horrible person who went out of her way to shut down any family health programs or family leave time her companies ran while secretly having a nanny who worked in her office and

To my knowledge BLM has never shot up anywhere or killed anyone. When I was interviewing for a job for an organization that works with abortion we had to meet at an undisclosed location for safety reasons. I had to sign that I wouldn’t tell anyone where we met. Anti-choice fuck nuts have killed and bombed us. They

These people have power within the GOP. They stand on stage next to Ted Cruz while calling for biblical law over the Constitution and tho they pretend to hate Islam, what they are is jealous of it. Because Islamic law dominates Iran and Saudi Arabia and is followed in many other countries but Christian countries don’t

...and this, ladies and gentlemen, is why unions were invented.

Dingdingding I do believe we have a winner. Even if they weren’t getting an incentive I bet you get more security and bonuses after your probationary period so they employed him for almost all his 90 days, canned him and now they have a vacancy so they can do it again to someone else.

I’m thinking that, compensation or no, they were looking for an excuse, ANY excuse, to fire him before his probation period ran out. I mean, Jesus Christ. It’s an insane distinction to begin with, but a reasonable manager could just have said, “Hey, just so you know, this is against store policy...just return the $2

They are growing up. They are taking responsibility for their kids, trying to get jobs and deal with their shit. It’s not like there is a limited supply of compassion in this world: we can recognize the struggles your mom went through as well as the struggles these men currently face.

Maybe he just wanted to hike? I mean, just ‘cause people are celebrities doesn’t mean they have to be “on” all the time.

Abstinence is the only effective form of birth control? They’re saying this so close to Christmas?