Does this count?
Does this count?
I suddenly regret going for the white MTH50s.
Tunnel vision vs peripheral vision.
What do they expect them to do?
While admittedly a bit disappointing, this gives hope that future Blizzard games will come to consoles as well.
Is it still going to be on current gen consoles? Stores have been taking pre-orders for 360 and PS3.
I just have to replace my toothbrush everyday then. No big deal. *nervous laugh*
Pfft, mods. I don't need no stinkin' mods to have fun in San Andreas!
It was obviously a bronze league player.
So, you played it for 5 minutes at a friends house when you've already decided that you're going to hate it. Yup, your opinion clearly has far more credibility than any and all reviews that have been written.
Games are one of the worst and most tedious ways to earn Neopoints. D:
Does Xbox Live still use their trueskill matchmaking thing? I haven't heard anyone talk about that in a long time.
It's the worst in racing games. You almost always start with a slow crappy car, and have to grind for hours to reach the fastest and best cars.
There are millions of players so the chance you're going to run into someone with the same name is pretty slim, even if Ender were a popular name.
In battlenets battletag system, you're allowed to have duplicate usernames. It is made unique by the random number next to your name that usually isn't displayed (ie. #1234). I could make a new battlenet account right now with the exact name, 'Ender.' You can potentially have thousands of battlenet users named 'Ender'…
Even though I didn't read any spoilers, there were lots of people saying stuff like "Right in the feels" when talking about The Walking Dead ending, and also that they cried. And so, when the time came, I knew what to expect, so it ended up being pretty predictable, and because of this, tears could not be shed.
Even though I didn't read any spoilers, there were lots of people saying stuff like "Right in the feels" when talking about The Walking Dead ending, and also that they cried. And so, when the time came, I knew what to expect, so it ended up being pretty predictable, and because of this, tears could not be shed.
Bullet time makes everything better.
Except vintage versions have already been unobtainable for years and are still among the most common and cheapest vintage hats because there are so many.
Before you get upset, remember that these are some of the oldest, and most common hats in the game. The supply is so great, you can score uncraftable versions for 2-3 scrap metal each. They are some of the least popular/least sought after hats because of this.