You have to write down your wager before you get to see the clue. Also wagering all her money gave her a shot at taking first and returning the next show.
They're just crafting items. Less than 80k each. It's also on PTR where you can copy your stuff from the main server and then do anything you want without consequences, including buying a ton of brimstones :D
I'm trying to check this out but I'm stuck in infinite doughnut spinning loading when I start up the app. Hope I haven't lost my Springfield forever :<
Inception is real :O
If you buy these bundles before they added bonus items, they're always given to you no matter how much you paid.
Like that time someone guessed Gabe's password was gaben and made a troll post saying Half-Life 2 had gone gold? :O
I seem to remember cars in the original Most Wanted harder to control. I usually ended up riding walls if I didn't brake hard. I loved the steering in Hot Pursuit cause it used Burnout style drifting.
So, the Red Envelope pack is paying money for collectibles that you still have to collect? I already try to avoid collectibles, but to pay for more of them? D:
Orange tip=problem solved? :D
Don't switch to high res textures in a parking garage :<
alt+enter :)
Can you buy double flip tricks in the shop? I haven't tried it, but I remember seeing empty slots for stuff like left, left and right, right.
Remember Ashcraft's series of posts with the Haruhi dance and end theme? Those were good times weren't they?
It's a Ferrari, you morans.
Cause noclip requires cheats.
I miss Pepsi Blue :<
I think it was called Sprite Ice. The idea was that after you've eaten something minty or brushed your teeth, everything tastes colder. In theory, mixing mint with your drink would make it taste colder. But in practice, you spit it out before there's enough time for the effect to happen.
People look at me like I'm crazy when I try to tell them about these kind of things.