
If it were the XBLA version, they could've sent the trial version on a USB drive and he'd just have to unlock the full version with Microsoft points.

How much is that Okami Wii cover worth?

It was there when I edited the comment but it's gone when I refresh :|. Here's the URL instead.

"Dorkly is temporarily unavailable while we make some upgrades.

I thought there was no iron in his suit.

I wanted to play with that Shepard V.I. in ME2 gosh darnit. You convince the guy to give you a copy but then you can't do anything with it :(

I don't know how Sony does it, but most games with online passes usually have a 48 hour trial you can use before buying an online pass.

Now playing

For when you need to steal an XBOX or a PC.

This is what I think of whenever I see someone say graphics don't matter; all games would just be boxes hitting other boxes.

They use the stolen accounts to buy FIFA DLC which is tradeable. They then sell the DLC on eBay for cheap and make money that way.

I didn't know I wanted one of these until now.

When I was like 4 I really liked orange. The only shirt I could find that was orange also happened to have some hearts on it. I got it cause I didn't think it mattered, but then people made fun of me. Even my parent's friends would ask "Are you a girl or something?" with a sort of disgusted look on their face. I was

Most of that sounds like just more activities. I wasn't really a fan of the activities so I hope the missions will make up most of the DLC.

You can continue playing the game in free roam after you've finished it so I think it's safe to say you'll be able to play the DLC missions without starting a new game.

It was a Canadian PSA thing. I must've seen it a million times on TV when I was a kid.

Delete it again! Why is this still here and why isn't he banned D: