@nerghal: I thought it looked familiar. And I do enjoy a good robot woman's voice.
@nerghal: I thought it looked familiar. And I do enjoy a good robot woman's voice.
Shaky cam video!
Also, Street Fighter vs Tekken
@SammiiDoogles: You can pick any three characters you want.
When you go online, are they going to limit the number of these driving around to 77?
@touwe: I like those. They're pretty much a freebie achievement just for getting online.
@Bryon Farris: I got excited for a moment when I saw "It's Morphing Time" while skimming over the list. I thought Terratron was going to really be in the game lol :(
Just checked my account and saw some bonus surveys that expire on June 30, 2010. I was already platnium, and wanted to save all my surveys for next year, but since they expire anyway, I may as well get some more points to redeem for other stuff.
Since it's being made by Criterion, hopefully the console versions of NFS will finally run at 60fps :D
@twinturbo2: I was hoping to see a video. Thanks for posting it :D
Where does my sensor bar and center channel go? D:
250 KP - Microsoft acts as if the Zune doesn't exist (2:1)
@unfathomablej: A fancy bumper sticker? :D
@Peffse: I wore mine for a long time until it started getting holes. It was a nice shirt. Comfortable. My logo never faded though
@Peffse: I bought that for $100 cnd. It came with less than the Steam store version :(. $40 for a t-shirt and HL1:Source pretty much
Surely this is Rockstar's response to the Ratman myth from GTA4