Cheeseburger Slut

I am currently shopping around for a tattoo - my first - and of the three parlors I emailed, one ignored me outright and another gave me a long rant about how he didn’t want to waste his time on a “tattoo virgin” because he’ll spend all this time sketching a masterpiece and I’ll just back out anyway and besides,

I have an unexplainable but strong dislike for RDJ. He’s just so...smug?

Lovato’s response to this tattoo artist was epic:

It’s not really her work that is the problem, is that she’s always complaining. Honestly, when you become a major star, what do you expect? Fame comes with it. Don’t want to be famous but want to act? Join a local theater company. Don’t get an agent, a publicist, sign up for major movies, fashion contracts, etc. Fame

The year 2000 phoned, it wants its hair back.

Aaaaaaannnndd, here’s where I take an online drubbing for my opinion.

When I saw the video the first time I could immediately tell that she was just beyond “disappointed” or “frustrated.” It didn’t seem like just punishment or reprimanding, it was more more emotional and visceral. Like she could have tried everything to raise him right, but he can go out there and be the next police

I feel like you owe us a Pnina Torne overview.

Senator Harry Reid for the win!

Yeah. He’s absolutely one of my favorites, but if you’re expecting him to be a voice of reason then you must not have seen Inland Empire.

Option 8: Only if he refunds every cent I ever paid to Virgin and I get to personally redesign their customer service globally. And I get to punch him. Not sexually.

Anna I love you SO MUCH for this headline. No need for additional comments, people - the mic has been dropped.

Either last night or this morning — yesterday afternoon my facebook had a few weird things on the feed, but most of it was just “prayers to Baltimore” etc. As of this morning, half of my friends are being racist asshats. Somebody scared them.

i wonder if the rolling stone / uva fiasco has made them a little more gunshy about reporting on this sort of thing. i seem to recall they did have a lot more ‘on the ground’ / ‘in the moment’ type coverage of ferguson.

i was watching the local CBS livestream and they at least mentioned that the gang representatives were at the community meeting, but were still echoing the rumor about killing cops throughout the night

like why even throw in the Nation of Islam? because nothing scares old white people more than black muslims?

A department that’s been lying from the start reporting something that sounds focus-group tested to scare as many white people as possible? SEEMS LEGIT.