
Keep it classy, drunk Kentucky!

This comment made my day.

I aim to clean up my desk at the end of every work day and make a list tasks for the next day. When I come in the following morning, the things I need to do are laid out for me and my workspace is organized and ready to go. I used to jot my list of tasks on scrap paper but now I keep a notepad document on my

A toaster oven does this and more.

One caution - don't mix vinegar with bleach because they'll create some harmful vapors. In fact, be careful of mixing any two chemicals together - advisements on cleaning products often state this warning.

I'd love to see Ann Geddes dig into one of these.

I agree. It's better to use something established like UrbanSpoon or even Yelp.

If you don't require an online service, I recommend the Cornell note-taking system. I've created my own template which I print out as needed to write on during meetings.

I know the product still wouldn't be the healthiest, but it seems that the right thing to do would be to stop adding colouring and eliminate the carcinogenic content altogether.

Why colour it in the first place? What colour would it be without added colouring?

Perhaps keep the iPod and use something like SharePod to free yourself from iTunes.

I agree. It's criminal that businesses can offer less than minimum wage.

Interesting. And for those of you who do have some over-ripe bananas in the kitchen, I suggest freezing them. At a later date, they can be used for baking (ie. banana muffins, banana chocolate chip cookes).

I bought a wood lazy susan from Ikea for about ten bucks. I set my TV on it (in the living room) and rotate it 90 degrees to face the kitchen when I'm working in there. Just need to make sure there's enough slack on the cords to allow for turning.

Ah, yes. *palm smack to forehead*

I, too, am a fan of [f.lux] (which I found out about on Lifehacker) - to the point that things can seem pretty harsh if it's not on.

I read this tip somewhere a while ago and decided to try it out. I have to say that I quite like it!

On Gawker sites, if you visit a commenter's profile page, it lists all their comments. Is there a way to hide them?

Fair enough. Perhaps I should have mentioned that at the start. This is article has spurred quite the debate!

One of the recent Lee Valley Tools catalogues featured some motorized TV lifts, ranging from about $400 to $700 and they have remote control capabilities too. Alternatively, they have a lot of wall mount options too. One of these days, I'll be going that route.