Kyle S

If that’s anywhere close to the actual design, Sony will win ‘Fugliest Console of All-Time’ award hands down. 

This feels like the late 80's again when Apple lost it’s way and the PC era nearly wiped it off the planet. Google and others are starting to run circles around Apple as their products start to become more and more ho hum. Myself, I’d be happy to go back to buying PC’s if I didn’t have to run Sketch (which also will

This is what the development will eventually look like

Yes! Aeroblasters! I liked that mech game they had also. My all in game is Military Madness though.

They better have Military Madness on there.

If they keep rebooting they’ll eventually get it right

Something else, the overall sound design. Just blew me away.

I remember when I worked for a newspaper and some people were trying to unionize us, management was SOOOOO nice to us during this time, taking us out to eat, bonuses etc, at the same time saying how bad it would be if the unions took over management wouldn’t be able to help us etc. 

I was just starting to get into again but what I hate most is now there isn’t an ending. Couldn’t they have said one more season or at least a few more episodes to wrap everything up a bit at least? Another reason I hate ‘tv shows’

The narration script was the most phoned in that I’ve heard in a long time. ‘Trust no one’... ‘It wasn’t always like this’ ... of course not, there were interesting unique story lines.

I don’t see any reason why this is good... why does everything need to link together? Next they’ll be a backstory how this facehugger was the great granddaughter of the one that eventually became the queen that attacked Ripley and Winona Ryder was actually a time traveling stowaway on Prometheus.

Horrible, I really liked Windows mobile, the interface was miles ahead of iPhone. But updates and getting decent hardware and support was nearly non-existent. I eventually had to move back to iPhone.

Two year ban? I would think lifetime would be more in order. 1.8 million possible flawed tests is insane.

That’s even worse then. I see loads of sites that work great Chrome/FF and then break in IE. Depending on the market its a show stopper.

And like that Chrome starts sucking. Have had so many development and design issues the past few weeks, is the leader doomed to always start sucking?

I think the shift, besides natural trends, has to do with mobile gaming. Turn based is a lot easier to handle on mobile devices and not needing to focus 100% on a game (ie you can play a few turns and then go back to what you were doing, and then go back to the game).

The movie was hilarious, enjoy the ride.

This was one of the funniest episodes I’ve seen, so ridiculous. They might as well of had a laugh track after the RPG attack in the beginning. Actually the beginning was great, even the RPG, and plausible. After Alexandria though it just got ridiculous. I nearly fell on the floor laughing at Glenn’s near death and the

I liked the prequels, they weren’t flawless but what is. After watching the prequels and the original trilogy there is a lot of the same corniness. There were some parts of the prequels that were better than the OT and of course some really horrible stuff. Likewise when the prequels were released there were a lot of