Nothing is more subsidized than OIL.
Nothing is more subsidized than OIL.
FYI.... No one else wants to hear (or smell) your exhaust.
Record being the fastest EV sedan while on autopilot
this would make a great wagon
Nice ride!
Maybe audi/porsche use the same “standards” as they did with their diesels..
I don’t think these cars should be compared. While they are both EVs and expensive, one is a big american muscle car and one is german performance sedan.
Yuppified Hellcat Swap Gladiator owner soon to be 2019 darwinism award winner.
There was one parked outside at a shop in Monterey, CA for a couple years. Maybe it was waiting for parts to come in?
and made it quicker than everyone else
Sadly, BMW won’t tow rate wagons in the US to sell more SUVs. Then they complain they aren’t selling enough wagons.
Was the person was on their phone when it happened?
ha ha... i drive electric... $10/month in additional “power” on my electric bill... I am much much quicker than you.. did I make you feel bad?
920lbft according to:
Neutral: I still have kids and adults asking to check out my several year old model S- gave a test drives the other day. I do see sales leveling off since they haven’t refreshed the S or X in forever and the 3 is in the wrong segment.
the anti-jalopnik answer- Used tesla model s
I find the tesla touch screen to be extremely intuitive. So much so, that I don’t like going back to buttons or knobs. Which for me is an odd revelation since my weekend driver is from the 70s- but none of the buttons or knobs are still functional in that car so never mind.
what stereotype can i make about the person who willfully chooses to lease this?
CP- for the $ needed to make this OK to drive, you can find another better Z3.
Have you ever owned a BMW? They need a lot of expensive service/repairs (or free service during the warranty, but still annoying). Toyota owners are looking for reliability.