
NC- hoping it doesn’t but expecting the worst.

Bringing my 75 2002 in for an engine rebuild tomorrow- doing it myself is out of my league- after 2 years of it collecting dust, serving as a worktable and storing boxes.

Toyota also made Epic ski boats- the brand- in reality the opposite of epic due to warped hulls. Engines derived from the original Lexus 400.

A mistress and her friends on an exotic boat


can a boat have 3 stern drives but only two engines?

have suicide doors (i3)... for kids, most impracticable doors but required for cool pillar less carbon cocoon.

I am with you and thought is was just me. I was looking for 79-85 SCs and Carrera 6 yrs ago when they were all $20K cars (pay now or later). Drove a bunch and thought they were heavy and a little clunky-pre G50. Kept hearing about bullet proof engines, but most have top end rebuilds before 100K miles (I did look at

I got a ticket once for “blocking a driveway” in hermosa beach.

If only an EV version, I would own... b/c this is not a track car

Works for me!- My i3 is great for carpooling, driving my staff to lunch, taking the family (and dog) to the lake on the weekend... and its Rear Wheel Drive and accelerates faster than anything other than a tesla in real world driving.

Pacers and Gremlin’s are becoming in vogue again.... Mecum Monterey auction has a 77 Gremlin on thursday.

How much can I expect to raise the average temperature? I understand the owners support scorching hot droughts.

S0ooo wanted the current e wagon and the 2017 is gorgeous.

How much better would it be if it were electric?

EV everything!

Both sound like a good time to me.

plus an i3 runs on tires half the width of normal tires.

The people in cahoots are those that are subsidizing ethanol.

My brother in law has gti and it drinks fuel but I drive it occasionally.