
I had a 2001 GTS. Fun as hell to drive, it was sort of like a more available Integra Type R. Only thing I could never understand is how it went into production with the “VTECH” engaging about 1000 rpm above the next gear shift even if you ran it to the redline. It was like vroom, then near the top end VROOM, then

Maybe try some of the Belgin beers out there if your looking for a non beer tasting drink.

Rented a MC convertible and had to look up what the hell this giant gauge was.

Just go pure boring like the cars and name them SUV1 through 20 whatever.

“Oh man I just picked up this brand new VW SUV 12 and I was going to go for the 13 but the 12 hit the sweet spot. not to flashy, not to sporty, just right like a bowl of plain oatmeal”, other person, “Yawn, oh that thing, yea I guess it is ok-ish

Now playing

Did anyone notice in their add campaign that the main “Italian Wise Guy” actor keeps saying Jimmy’s John’s? I mean, how does that continue to make it through editing. I guess maybe it is some sort of self deprecating joke?

What we really should be doing in most of the US.

This is just straight up stupid. You do not need 4k on a 15.6 inch monitor unless you have it strapped to your face or using a magnifying glass.

This is just straight up stupid. You do not need 4k on a 15.6 inch monitor unless you have it strapped to your face

I tried Sonic one time. And by tried I mean I ate about two bites, threw the rest out and never went back. Their food is disgusting IMO.

This is really what you are looking for.

When I was much younger my friend had one of these. He stripped the interior and had it all coated with Rino Liner, the spray on stuff for truck beds. Put the seats back in and a snorkel. It was gutless as hell but it was one mean off roader that you could get mud or whatever all over and then just hose it off.

I grew up in Utah. The written drivers test was such a joke. You walk up when your number is called, they give you a test sheet and a grease pencil and a pamphlet.

Can anyone explain why all trucks need to look like a pissed off warthog? I mean Having that huge flat front makes no sense unless it is shaped like a giant engorged penis. 

Toyota would never put an 800hp engine in a car.

The vegetable that consistently has the most cringe worthy, racist mis pronunciation in all food.

Living just outside Boston, MA, this does not shock me at all. Walking around is fine, but driving is not something to underestimate.

They can be very hard to get rid of. I had them once, could not figure out what they were eating as the kitchen was spotless, all drains covered etc. Turns out I had a bar of oatmeal soap in a soap try that they decided was tasty.

I also found that using the hose attachment on a vacuum cleaner works wonders in getting

Hmm I swear they used to make something along these lines.

I like Legal Seafood here at Boston Logan.

I have a CX-5 that always drinks reg. I also have a Gen 4 swapped 94 MR2 turbo that is running at 16PSI. It ONLY drinks 93 gas. My GF has a Q5 that will run fine on regular, but you can feel the power difference using 93 and returns slightly better MPG.

One more stupid coal rolling truck bites the dust. Wish they would all do that.