Where the hell does this guy buy his suits at? Salvation army? That is the worst fitting suit jacket I think I have ever seen!
Where the hell does this guy buy his suits at? Salvation army? That is the worst fitting suit jacket I think I have ever seen!
As long as they can weld the frame correctly, should be a nice feature.
I live in New England so I know a thing or 2 about lobster. Why in gods name would you put something like cheese and bacon on lobster? Lobster has a very light mild flavor that is very easily overpowered by anything much more than butter. I bet other than the texture, you can’t taste anything but cheese and bacon!
As a fellow MR2 owner, 94T with Gen4 swap. I congratulate you on the removal of the orange, that just made the car look like crap.
NASCAR is just plain stupid in it’s modern version. It is sham. Cars pretending they are some sort of production model because they have a fake shell that sorta looks like a regular car. Fans show up for the crashes. What the hell went wrong with this sport? I though it was supposed to be a bunch of crazy moonshiners…
I used to dream about this car when I was a kid. Looking at it now it has aged very poorly visually IMO. Still a technical tour de force, but it looks like a melted marshmallow hooked up with a 911.
Still does not make it a fruit. Notice they always refer to it as fruit or “Fruit” It is more based off the fact that when these terms were written it was using plant based terms. A mushroom is more like an animal than a plant, but it is a 3rd type of organism all to it’s self.
Umm, where did you get this crazy idea?
Ummm, Mushrooms are a fungus not a vegetable.
How could he do this without wearing the outfit at 1:27 the whole time? What self respecting ninja that you could probably walk away from at a brisk pace be dressed in a red shirt?
Coconut ice cream and Mango Chutney work very well. This coming from a guy that eats hot peppers like pickles and does the bar trick of doing a shot of their hottest sauce to back up my boast.
XenServer? Very powerful platform and free. Oh and it is type 1 so you will need a computer running it.
I’m just shy of 6'1 Sort of tall I guess?
That’s why I do it as soon as we are off the ground. No one has drinks or tray tables they are sleeping on the at that point. I fly a LOT for business and I get it, but this is my space, what little there is of it and the comforts I paid for, so I am going to use them. It just seems weird to me because I have never…
What is the backlash about reclining your seat? Um I paid for a seat that reclines and is 100% more comfy that way, and oh guess what, you did 2 unless you are the idiot in the rows with fixed seats. I always recline all the way as soon as I can, what is wrong with that? I would rather have someone in the row in front…
I prefer window. You have one side of the seat that is always going to be yours and I have a bladder like a camel. If you fall asleep in an aisle seat you will almost certainly get banged into by some ass or a cart or something if you are even 1/2 an inch into the aisle. Try to assert arm rest space ownership on the…