
Um gold belt buckle? Really big bright missing point.

Advice on any bad trip,

Honestly, whats a guy got to do around here to not be pending all the time? This is a very valid statement and the swaps that were done were way more fun.

Why Toyota didn’t offer this with the 2zz-GE out of the Celica GTS I can never ever understand.

Costa Rica and a Suzuki Jimmy. Not fast at all, but this is about the perfect little car for the Caribbean side. Just floor it in the general direction you want to go on the highway, then not really worry about that half flooded rocky rutted side road. Hall all your stuff fairly well and solid gas millage.

Uh Apaches in Vietnam? There were no Apache helicopters around then. Cobra? Huey?

If you need a car, every mile is lost value. This is just straight up an your article is very flawed. If you have to moved from 1 place to another it is going to cost you, one way or another. Walking, buss, subway, Uber, your own car, car sharing... There is no way around this. It is cost of living man.

I have no idea of the actual price, but this cost hundreds of thousands to buy, that I am sure of. What does a car lift cost? Let alone a multi car, automated, multilevel parking system with 2 stories and smart phone integration? Not sure where you live but it probably cost more than most peoples houses if you average

Solid panel is expensive/hard to replace from a drunk guy bashing his car into it and will cause damage. A few tiny laser/mirror circuits would be so easy to build in at probably 10 bucks a spot to the builder. Put a tiny little controller and hook the app and explain to the tenant they parked incorrectly and refuse

Have to do a bit of input here and some background.

Have to do a bit of input here and some background.

Just had to chime in with this bad apple that was VERY dangerous:

Hmm 2 bad it is so big. Could be a cool thing to add to older cars. But no way am I putting that huge blinking thing in my 94 Mr2.

Hmm 2 bad it is so big. Could be a cool thing to add to older cars. But no way am I putting that huge blinking thing

I guess my question here is this looks like a really slick parking system, how can it not possibly have a sensor along the edges of the lift that detect an object? 

These things are stupid. Why just loose one thing when you can loose everything in one shot!

These things are stupid. Why just loose one thing when you can loose everything in one shot!

I had one for 10 years and other than it was a bit heavy, it was a fantastic car. I know everyone says the engine was crap reliability but I drove the snot out of the thing for 10 years. Timing belt was the largest repair and 99% of the time I just drove the hell out of it.

Long time ago. One of the few movies I walked out of.

Why in gods name, if you had all that money would you want to have your dick within 100 miles of that?

I cut them off and ask the company name and contact information for them. They normally auto hang up at this point. If they are stubborn, I then state that I am requesting that I am removed from their call list as it is illegal to call me. Never had 1 telemarketer not hang up at this point.

Am I the only one who was thinking Bukake cycle?

WTF!!! Where is my MR2? Super disappointed!