
Actually, no. Cops usually get away this because of their “mistaken zeal.” Lots of people have been dumping on the nurse on Facemook and one of the fired cops has a thriving GoFundMe. Given Utah’s Mormon-Red-State culture, firing was not a given. And, hey, the appeals process (civil service board? courts?) could give

WOW. And here I thought the OP’s post was chortle-worthy.

They aren’t dumping him for what he did, they’re dumping him because the world found out what they already knew. Remember that.

my only regret is that i have but one +1 to give

“Darling, don’t eat those- they’ll go right to your thighs.”

I like your theory, but I feel very confident he hasn’t figured out how to remove the “Sent from my iPhone” default.

Hug me.

We should all be grateful for this.

Eh. Whitlock’s been leaning more and more right for years now.

I can’t even imagine how he puts pants on.

Oh that is just glorious.

This is the classic joke grenade. At first I chuckled because I thought this was an apex predator joke.


Careful, though—if you take a BYU girl to the Olive Garden on your first date she might think you’re going to propose to her immediately afterward.

That’s a +1 right there.

Book a table? Pfft, carside service to go, man.

Brigham da noise, Brigham da funk!

If the only black guy at BYU who’s not on the football team thinks he can hide inside a cougar costume, he’s pleasantly mistaken.

It’s obvious that Democrats are less awful than Republicans, in terms of their stated policy goals, but the reality is that nearly all career politicians in America are lying, corrupt, evil motherfuckers.

They could send her out to “urban” areas to give unsolicited advice. That might go over well.