
Hi Uncle Dennis

Agreed that Kawhi is a diva: that crap he pulled on San Antonio was awful and journos haven’t given him enough stick for it, probably to retain access. But divas don’t care about saving face; I think if he is a source for this story, he’s doing it to create more Lakers turmoil.

This is definitely smoke: Kawahi was never going to go to the Lakers to be LeBron’s second understudy.

So this might be a Lakers source to save face. But it could also be Kawhi rubbing it in to the Lakers while also creating a smokescreen that he had just completely screwed them by leaving them hanging and making them

As someone who grew up in tropical climes and was regular scared by a non-aggressive but MASSIVE (it was 2 ft large then, probably 8-inches now) spider when I went to potty at night, I support the crushing of all spiders.

If you’re using only 20-35% of your plate’s surface area, you’re using the wrong plate. Just a dumb product that is more silly than it is clever.

As LKjus points out, UCLA is comparatively extremely selective and objectively a very good school. Plus, a huge part of its appeal to many would-be students growing up in the suburbs is that it’s in the middle of LA and has easy access to all of its attractions.

Its impressive sportsball programs matter, but I think

Awesome, thanks! The Aristocrat caught my eye in one of the top-ten lists I saw online, and there two other places on my three restaurant shortlist: Oasis Diner and The Big Bern from Metro Diner.

so sure, ask the server to intercede on your annoyed behalf, just like you would with any kind of other issue.

Do people have recommendations for the Hoosier variant? After Kate’s piece on the Tenderloin Trail, I’m determined to at least visit a few places, but Indiana’s closer to me than Iowa. There’s a few common places that come up—I’ve seen Nick’s Kitchen, The Steer-In, Tie Die Grill on more than one list—but I’m wondering

No, it’s the one in Woodmore/Lanaham. Traffic from I-95/50/202 makes it a real pain to go to during rush hour and try to avoid it. The Woodmore store is fine, but if I have a bit more time and have a hankering for Indian food, I’ll head up to Columbia on the weekends.

I’ll have to check out the H-Mart in Ellicott City!

Last year, Sun was involved in a rather strange encounter with anti-doping officials. Officials from the International Doping Tests and Management showed up at his house on Sept. 4, though he made them wait outside for an hour before allowing them in. Once they set up shop to test Sun, he gave a blood sample but

Well sure, if he did propose the piece as as-is with 5000 words with no offer to edit it down to fit the site’s parameters, that would be arrogant as you say. But maybe he would’ve agreed to cutting it down; since they never responded, we don’t know.

My larger point is how proposing pieces here is a complete mystery

“Sometimes, life happens; passengers fall ill before their flight or declare personal bankruptcy,”

Yeah, the Wegmans near me is pretty small and the traffic nearby is terrible; by the time I can work myself to go, it’s already 7:30, which is too late to go grocery shopping during the week. It’s a primary bulk shopping for me on the weekends, and sometimes I’ll go up to the bigger store in Columbia, MD to get a

5000 words is too long for this site, but The Takeout folks should at least respond to the email offer if it seems like it’s being made in good faith. If the essay seems well-researched/sourced on a newsworthy topic, they can always tell piece pitchers on what an appropriate length is and other necessary parameters.


Same here, an I30t was my first car I bought with my own money after college and I drove the hell out of that thing all over the eastern seaboard. Finally sold it when the suspension was starting to give and managed to sell it to a Nigerian looking to export it back home. Got $2000 for it, which was how much I paid

Claire, you just stole this from my mom who used to do that with the Robutussin whenever I was sick!

Don’t forget the Callin’ Oates Hotline

I’ve tried the v600 for B/W photos that come out well, but I’ve never been able to get good scans on color negative film like Ektar 100, where colors come out too dark and orange. (I know Ektar has a stronger saturation emphasis, but this is ridiculous)

Any suggestions on good programs or settings in the base Epson