No, just no.
Shrimp tail is fortified exoskeleton, made from similar stuff in human finger nails. So like eating your finger nails, you can, but why would you want to? You don’t know where that tail has been!
No, just no.
Shrimp tail is fortified exoskeleton, made from similar stuff in human finger nails. So like eating your finger nails, you can, but why would you want to? You don’t know where that tail has been!
Kirk Cousins suffered so much whiplash that he’ll have to play with a neckroll next time, à là Steve Grogan.
To minimize risk further, sit at the bar so that after the shared apps if you both agree it’s not working, you can shift tack more easily.
If need be, also ask the waiter for a couple of menus to erect a border between the two of you.
Any team looking to strike a deal with Taylor on Butler should temporarily deputize Joe Smith as its negotiator, for old times’ sake.
All those times Thibs spent shouting “ice” on the sidelines last season suggests that he’ll give Butler up for meth of sufficient quality and quantity.
I say fight fire with napalm: Put on your best crappy English accent and go full overflorid Victorian English (with a dash of Emily Post) on that server.
Someone came at the Golden God from the rear!
“Double Baco Cheeseburger. It’s for a cop.”
Yeah, but I don’t drink coffee pods so I’ll need to make my plastic waste quota somehow.
If the restaurant industry wants to attract the fickle and few Gen Z workers, it needs to prove that it’s a field in which a person can make a living—for life.
I’ve not had their cheese sauce dippers as I haven’t done Papa John’s in years. But I did have a productive conversation with the McDonald’s employee about the virtues of BK’s Zesty Sauce, which is a cheesy-cayenne sauce.
She said she’d want to check it out and thanked me by letting me use three McDonald’s smartphone…
Okay, thanks for the clarification. The style and look is very much Sicilian, but I didn’t want to assume since I don’t know all subtle differences of construction and prep. I’d like to though; not sure if Adam Kuban or some other pizza expert has done so.
I’ve not heard of “Upside Down” style though; I shall research…
I don’t think that’s right. All food trends claim a longer and fancier lineage than they really possess, but Detroit-style’s been around since 1946.
It may have gained more traction as online gastronomic literati explore different styles of pizza, but it’s not some constructed hipster edgelord fantasy. And the casual…
I’m going to give this a Jalopnik CP (crack pipe) and suggest that you chop Papa John’s up and sell it for parts. I’d pay good money for their garlic sauce inventory and recipe.
You can keep the overly sweet marinara, and I’ll buy the name for no more than -$5.
I know you describe that as a Detroit-style pizza, but that thing (minus about 95% of the pepperoni) looks amazingly close to Prince Street Pizza, which is absolutely delicious. Even the pans are similar.
When Kelsi spoke of, “wasting another year of my life on a sociopath,” I think was referring to Jace’s hot takes on: air conditioning (no); chicken (boiled).
Oh, and the best ones are the vacuum-sealed pouches with the curry already inside. Haven’t seen any of those in the US, but here’s hoping!
Did Turn10 an Microsoft tell us how much more money they expect to make from micro-transactions with this perk tree?
For what it’s worth, if you can get the powdered Japanese curry, they’re the way to go. They don’t sit and congeal the way roux-based curry does, and you can obviously make them fresh each time.
I’ve always wanted to try CoCoIchi, since my ex-gf’s father (a B-gourmet expert) swears by it.
Personally though, I love Camp Curry because they throw freshly stir-fried veggies into the curry. Definitely provides some different flavors and textures, and you’ll feel less guilty about carboloading to boot!