To be fair, I would’ve voted for onion rings over Paul LePage.
So maybe I should’t moralize.
To be fair, I would’ve voted for onion rings over Paul LePage.
So maybe I should’t moralize.
Definitely fried rice, since it’s best made from leftover rice.
These Maineites (Mainites? Mannatees?) will also be the some ones who will complain once the brutally racist, sexist, and all-around awful Paul LePage leaves the governor’s mansion next year.
Yeah, I just equated crinkled-cut fries with Paul LePage. Fight me.
Repeating the request that McDonalds (and BK in this case) bring their most popular offerings overseas stateside: this halloumi burger from Sweden, the McAloo Tikki from India, and the Ebi Filet shrimp burger from Japan.
I know logistically it’ll be tough to source to suppliers and handle distribution. But if they…
I knew it was inevitable that I would trigger the ire of the legions of Jirokei fans.
It’d be more humane for you to donate the car to PETA so they can’t get anywhere to perform any publicity-catching foolishness.
Yeah. Given the extreme heat in Japan this summer, with some elderly folks dying because they can’t/won’t turn on the AC, and with the government annually asking people to save on energy as national electricity use regularly pushing past the 95% capacity threshold every summer...this is just extremely selfish.
Kevin, you know that I love me some hiyashi chuuka, but Japan Today is wrong: this is actually Jiro-kei (Jiro-style ramen), which is one of the most disgusting things I’ve ever put in my mouth.
(Jiro-style is a carb-bomb geared for students and enthusiasts who care more about quantity over quality. It consists of…
Shortly after a member of the Laurenzo family posted a photo with Sessions, a number of Facebook commenters called to boycott the restaurant, according to the Houston Chronicle. Soon thereafter, the restaurant wrote to clarify that El Tiempo does not support Session’s immigration positions, and that they did not know…
It’s like they know that’s what you’re here to buy...and they’re going to make you see the full selection of the store’s wares on the way.
Oh, I’ve definitely seen lines at Costcos in Japan and Taiwan the length of a frozen food aisle.
In addition, people will park their carts into neat grids in the food court area. It’s really quite astonishing.
I think the problem is that we’re just not a cash society anymore and credit cards at vending machines just haven’t caught on. But these financial logistics aside, getting food at IKEA is pretty close to vintage automats.
Cutting lines, throwing cheap shots, and most of all, Hawaiian shirts—that’s Sam’s Club material.
She looks like a more expressive, equally racist Stephanie Miller.
+1 masshole
That’s an excellent turn of phrase and I’ll be using it from now on.
I stand by my belief that Canadians have over-active imaginations.
What the heck is Boston pizza? From a Quora asking the same question: