
Why am I now just hearing ably this place?!? Thank you for posting this. I know where I'm going this weekend!

For me it's because they end up throwing more feed on the ground than they actually eat. If they wouldn't do that I wouldn't mind feeding them. Just like when my kids where younger, I refused to feed them as well. Wife must have got some in there somewhere.

Sorry, Richard (#23) should be #1, because...

Went from 1st season love to last season HATE.

Ugh, half this story is wrong.

For brief seconds before I clicked on the post, I wasn't sure that this was Concept Art. That's how bad this winter has been.

So guys want the truth, eh? Okay. Here are some truths I've held onto because I'm not a socially inept jackass, but you really want to know.

Ignoring, for a moment, the fact that Dr Suess is rolling in his grave fast enough to produce electricity, can we agree that the second you "re-write" a beloved children's book for political means it makes you look like a fucking lunatic? Didn't someone else in Congress do this with Green Eggs and Ham as well and it


Attempt to stuff the entire thing in your mouth at once, presumably while shouting "P IS FOR PRETENSION, IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME" and spraying chocolate chips across the room?

depicting the scene downstairs as, basically, Carrie at the prom.

Right here. It's right here.

Camera Lucida, patented in 1807. Everything old is new again.