
I actually went to an SPN convention he was at (it might've actually been his first, come to think of it), and he was definitely one of the highlights. He was obviously kind of baffled by the whole thing, as we all might be, given that fandom, but he was really engaging and a ton of fun.

In first grade there was a kid with the last name Webb in my class, so I cannot even tell you how many of my classmates decided we were going to get married so I could be Charlotte Webb.

Mine is out for delivery! I'm really hoping it will be there when I get home from work.

I saw a guy responding to this article on Facebook saying that he didn't believe it could possibly be accurate because he saw so few women in his Reddit game discussion forums and I was really glad someone immediately came back with, "Have you considered that you're on Reddit game discussion forums?"

As a woman who is terrible at most "serious" games, my anecdotal take on this is that women who do enjoy those titles probably have an easier time identifying as gamers than those of us who play other titles. I play more casual games and conversations with gamer dudes often feel like a minefield, where I'm just