Tech land is really showing how great a game company can be if they make a game for it’s fans and not just money.
Tech land is really showing how great a game company can be if they make a game for it’s fans and not just money.
I stayed at a yotel in New York a few blocks from Times Square. The one you stayed looks way more futuristic instead of just a hotel.
It only says Xbox one
Awww. My dad passed away unexpectedly a couple years ago from an auto immune disorder. I’d kill to have a conversation with him.
She did it to herself.
This game is worth 50 at the most. Could’ve spent a little more time with combat balancing. You get good with one thing it makes every other weapon obsolete.
That is the right way. It leaves itself open when it shoots itself with the missile barrage. Then it’s a breeze if you are careful enough.
It hasn’t changed at all since the early 2000s. The most generic songs will come from that genre. I have to have Spotify where I live so I can listen to 90 rock. No radio station plays it. All rap and pop and generic rock.
Layne Staley was great but he definitely had some help from his guitarist Jerry Cantrell. His voice trailing Staley’s makes that unique tone. He definently had an awesome voice though.
Grew up listening to these guys. Chris’ lyrics got me through some difficult times. It’s sad to say the only living singer of the Seattle grunge scene era is Eddie Vedder. Who would’ve thought Andrew wood and Kurt Cobain would foreshadow the end for almost every mainstream grunge singer for that era. RIP Chris…
I poured 80 hours into it. Then stopped a year and half ago. Attempted many times to play it always lost interest within 10 minutes
Well load times suck on console. It’s definently a hassle to constantly die on console for real. I have it on Xbox one.
Yeah it looks like a normal guy with lines all over him.
What the fuck is that? I love archer but that is fucking weird
They are easy enough to avoid and create a lot of tension. You can temporarily kill them though.
I have no money to spend on this at this time.
Princess Leila aka Carrie fisher had a heart attack on a plane.
Ubisoft is very smart. Creating neutral free publicity for a game on launch.