The one arcade we had got robbed a few months back. Now its a fucking “Hop Jack’s”.
The one arcade we had got robbed a few months back. Now its a fucking “Hop Jack’s”.
Damn I bought the Carlton...I blame the 6 beers I drank for that decision. All they need is an Ace Ventura pelvic thrust and my life will be complete.
This games terrible voice acting was so ahead of its time. Hell its better than some of the games that are coming out.
A twelve year old does not have self control. It may be bungies fault but it is an exploit. Would you whip out the answers to a test that the teacher left out to do well....hell no...same kinda concept.
I went 10 games regularly not pissed me off I was in first place on my team with a decent score and everyone elses was total poop. It seemed it was only matching me up against shadshot spammers.
Is this one going to be an m rated one as opposed to dark souls 2 strong t rating.
Pip boy edition s
Pip boy edition s
Is there really a freggin’ banana gun.....if so my life is not complete until I acquire such a weapon......
Sotomy is a common practice when eating your food in makes me wonder how they keep their population in check......
I mean it kinda looks like a white Brazilian woman with a half braided head
Bungie is lucky they are gameplay wizards. The nice chunkiness of the weapon handling/shooting, melee strikes hits/kills are never unsatisfying, and couple that with buttery smooth gliding and jumping it is polished too perfection.
I don’t think you could have a more British accent than that lol.
Ban cheaters accounts/3 characters for this weeks xur. Hahaha witcher 3 devs punish their fans in a fair way do it to the cheaters bungie.
At least he didn’t teabag your face off after doing it.
I am beta testing the windows 10 Xbox one ui and an update came out last night. It is as smooth as ever now almost no stuttering and way more intuitive.
I would rather just play a stable bf4
Rampage vs twitch streamer= actual fight. No I think you mean murder.
I loved crackdown 2 too...that agency guy though...”This car sticks to the road like shit on a blanket”. Now that was fucking annoying the 100000 time you hear it.
WTF ubisoft make blood dragon 2. Not some prehistoric crap.