
C’mon y’all, this is a no brainer.

I can explain both phenomenon.


I choose... to ignore your sarcasm

Imagine the irony if it were named Karen.

My nephew “Hey Google” would like a word....

As a Nick that went to elementary school during the height of Nickelodeon’s popularity I feel like I have the experience necessary to promise these parents that their kids will be just fine. Crappy kids are going to find a way to make fun of other kids no matter what their names are. 

Mine also wakes to Alexus which means I can’t talk shit about my sister-in-law....

No shit, I totally regret naming my kid “Computer”.

Let’s change Amazon’s “Alexa” name to “Karen,” and watch all our Echos go and complain to Jeff Bezos...

As an “Amazon smart home device” owner myself, I understand the issues here. Thankfully, my only child is NOT named Alexa, but here’s the pivotal point that some readers seem to be missing:
It’s NOT so much about the wake word we can choose to use, it’s the PRODUCT name itself. Amazon has made the word Alexa

Well, if he had died, I’m pretty sure Mike Pence wouldn’t have been calling for attacks on Mike Pence.

But did anyone want him (at least those that voted for him) to change? His base wanted that level of crazy with a nationalistic chaser. The establishment thought they could control him, while still getting what they wanted (gutted government, taxes removed, etc.) and while they couldn’t steer him, they still got

You had one job, Covid!

heavily armed Russian-Ukrainian mafia death squad.

I’m on it!

Anyone ever read Dave Barry? He had a theory that world peace was possible by allowing guys to do stupid stuff in crowds of guys. This releases the primal urge to see stuff go boom without doing something actually harmful to non-guys like making nuclear bombs.

Gives a new meaning to Dodge:

I know everyone makes the “when you picture a scalper you always picture a particular guy” joke but goddamn these guys look like they’re the slightly imperfect clones of some scalping supervillain.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you The Real America in all its repulsive, greedy, self-obsessed, deplorable glory.