
Totally agree. I feel like this is an easy path to become an “anti-gun nut” no one takes seriously. Sending a message to someone that you’re going to “beat their ass” is absolutely a threat. Excuse the pun, but you’re just giving ammunition to the other side, and the other side already has guns.

Turn signals never got the chance to never be used either......

I’m not American so correct me if I’m wrong, but after the last Presidential election, weren’t the GOP talking a big game about changing their strategy and doing some soul searching? It seems to me like they’re just doubling down on the most crazy bananas policy that lost them the election last time. Do they not have

That’s not even bringing into account the MASSIVE amount of assaults against nurses that happen ALL the time, and when nurses go to administration for support or action they are routinely dismissed and/or often BLAMED for getting assaulted in the first place. Nurses are told NOT to press charges when they’re

she’s 22, i think the pedophiles left awhile ago, or are you one of those weird people i see on Tumblr that thinks the age of consent should be raised to 26 because that’s the age our brains stop developing, and just assuming anyone that wants to have sex with some college-aged girl is some sort of weirdo

100% right fast and loud and every other show like it sucks top gear was about the cars first and foremost Jeremy,James and Richard were there to tell the story in a unique way and why i still watch reruns. Its car car show about cars and that’s why i watch. Amazon gotta a new prime member lol

Dude, Edd China is the man. One of the smartest guys on all of TV, and he wears a shirt on some episodes that says Livin’ la Vida Sofa. C’mon.

I could watch Edd China all day long, I think he’s got the best personality for television — normal human being who loves what he does.

That’s why I watch Wheeler Dealers. Buy a car, fix a car, sell a car. I’ve actually learned quite a bit watching Mike and Edd.

Much to my own chagrin, I watched the season premier of Fast and Loud this week, and was pleasantly surprised. After the last kitschy episode in the last season where they built a car to launch a tequila (seriously what the f&^%?), I was pretty much done. Not even Aaron’s awesome beard/hair combo and above average