Charmed221 new queen of London

The NHS does provide elective procedures. You can get a boob job on NHS and any other surgery. You have no idea what you are talking about, are you even British?

6 months of chemo and radiation is more than 10,000, the average person gets around £30,000 to £40,000. The NHS and other services spent around £9.4 billion on cancer treatments last year.

Under the new plans people who work in gender identity services will receive more and improved training, to facilitate better treatment for transgender people.

*heart diseases. But i am sure heat diseases also get seen to..

It is not a silly question at all. People will still be able to receive counselling or a non surgical options, mental health will always be covered under the NHS. When it comes to transitioning the first option that Doctors will give is that they will refer you to a metal health centre and for many it is not a mental

Sex change treatments barely cost the NHS anything. What costs the NHS more is people who go out every Friday and Saturday night and get drunk, what costs the NHS more is that Tories are trying to destroy it.

The Government also just announced that they will be will be updating Gender Recognition Act 2004. Under the changes they will make sure that being transgender will no longer be deemed a mental illness by any public body/doctor and people will not have to go through unnecessary loopholes. They will also not require

But you mentioned Scotland. Also Brits need to own up to our fuck ups, but whenever we fuck up the US swoops in to steal the spotlight.

I would say that Andrea is Ted Cruz/Sarah Palin and Theresa is Thatcher. Both awful and i hope there is an election afterwards, who ever gets in does not have the support of the public.

Why would Wales leave. If this is to with EU vote you do realize that they voted to leave EU. I see a lot of Americans not understanding this.

Leadsom is actually worse than May. Leadsom is Trump and Farge put together and is actually more right wing than Theresa May, i did not realise that was possible.

Did you even watch the video? He was on floor restrained with his hands behind his back because he had just been tasered, he could not reach for the gun. There were two police officers sitting on top of him and they weighed more than his 300lbs, he was restrained yet they felt the need to shoot him more than once.

Not at all true, in last few days most of the polls showed that stay would win. There was even a poll released on the day of voting and still showed that stay would win.

What they mean is that this has increased the chances of Trump being elected. In US there is exactly the same thing that is happening in UK, the only difference is that US is more diverse the UK. The rise of far-right in both countries is very sad and scary.

There will not be a Welsh vote for independence, they voted to leave the EU and most reject independence.

She was such a lovely woman, i met her a few times and she cared so much about equality. She was always there to speak out for people who are oppressed, she was a voice for the voiceless.

The US is embracing the far-right with Trump, but with most sports that are played in US there is no political aspect. The US is lucky in that regard.

If this happened in any other country the US would warn against travelling there. There was a recent travel warning about going to France.

There is internet porn in UK.

That is only for new customers signing up for any on-line service, they have to opt in if they want to watch porn. The porn block in the end did not really happen.