Charmed221 new queen of London

America this is just sad, it reminds me of controversy over that cheerios advert.

We all know that he will not win, but he has changed the US because his supporters will never go away. Minorities want him to stop not because of the election but because they are afraid of his supporters. Nothing is going to stop him, but him continuing in this race have put so many lives at risk. The US is diverse,

Wait there are people out there who do not know that Matt is a feminist, there are people in space who are aware that he is a feminist.

Um really at gypsy sport. Gypsy is a racial slur and it was term invented by Nazi’s because they thought my ancestors came from Egypt. It not a term that means free spirit and Americans need to stop using it.

She is from Bristol, the local press is hailing her as one of their own. You can be a Londoner and not born there, i am an Londoner but i was not born there. Her accent sounds exactly like mine a mixture between south-west and estuary.

The actress is from Bristol and you can tell by her accent, Amy was Scottish and Clara was from Blackpool. Also we do not have any information about her if she is working class, she sounds like an average British person. Are you even British?

Um yes i have south Asian heritage and i am a woman, maybe you should not assume that i do not have a clue . Obviously what he said was sexist, but you don’t need to go and list everything about that is fucked up in India, people don’t do that when a white American man says something racist or sexist. The American

Him being Indian has nothing to with this story seeing as this is something that happens everywhere.

It will still be shared, the updated bit of news said he will be on the back. I don’t understand this and how they did not realize how tone death it is to have him on the back given his past.

I just saw the update that said that Andrew Jackson will be on the back. I knew it was too good to be true.

I was just reading a story about a guy who is looking at 20 years to life for stealing a candy bar, yes he is black and poor. You will face more time in jail for stealing candy than taking a black person life.

If Jezebel really wants to set this on fire they should post about how he was at a book launch instead of an emergency debate on suicide Indigenous Suicide, just the other day 5 more tried to commit suicide.

I know the campaign you talking about and the campaign was not just aimed at drunk guys and it was about all nhs staff and what you need to do if you witness violence happening against anyone.

Yep it really is vile, i have seen so many Hillary fans calling him Saint Bernard and many do not realize or care how anti-Semitic it is. Sady Doyle a writer and huge Hillary fan did it the other day and she blocked anyone who pointed out how offensive it is. Jewish people used to be compared to dogs and there used be

Maybe you could also stop calling him Saint Bernard. Comparing him to a dog may see harmless but it is stereotype that goes back to the “no Jews or Dogs” and Jewish people being compared to dogs . It not a huge deal, but you are not first Hillary fan who has done this.

Um why are making up things, not once did i say he apologized and all you have to do is just scroll up to see what i wrote.

Her net worth is around $80 million, she did not need this paycheck and i understand that roles for women in Hollywood are harder to find, but she is huge star that could have easily picked another role. Also after the controversy about the racism in Lucy and now this i just think that she has a problem.

Also he is pretty good about talking about sexism. He said that women could never get away with acting like he has. He looks like he needs a shower, but damn compared to most men in Hollywood they would never understand their male privilege.

He does. He wrote a heartbreaking open letter about the homophobia his brother has faced, he was campaigning for Irish people to vote yes in the referendum on same-sex marriage (which they did).

No,he didn’t . He said it was “inappropriate.”