Yes and that is exactly what i am saying, there no other acceptable candidate expect from Hilary and that is sad.
Yes and that is exactly what i am saying, there no other acceptable candidate expect from Hilary and that is sad.
I think she will win because she is not very left wing, she is pretty moderate and i can not see Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Saunders wining because they are too “left wing” (they are not too left wing), every country seems to be drifting to right like what happened in recent UK and Australia elections.
Yeah you are ignoring that she sent that tweet to a UKIP supporter, most of the vile attacks came from UKIP supporters not SNP.
Stephen Hawking, Sir Ian Mckellan etc, those celebrities. There was an article on here about the barbie bus because John Oliver covered it, this site also does cover international news and it is not just a American women’s issue blog. This is also more of criticism against Gawker who has not written one story about…
I was just watching the news and she backtracked or the news more likely twisted her words, but i would loved an SNP- Labour coalition but unfortunately the press lies (they have been so biased this election) were working against SNP. SNP has already stated the will back up Labour on tuition fees, what will probably…
Well SNP has also rejected a coalition with him, they will end up propping him up in some way. What he is trying to do is bait him into voting down the Conservatives Queen’s speech and they will do.
Okay he not a idiot at all, you are buying into the media spin against him. I like him and i like that he talks about socialism in a positive way.
They covered the Scottish independence and they could easily tie it in with the celebrities that are supporting Labour party, it is not just a celebrity gossip blog.
Question will there be an article about the UK election seeing as it is in 4 days ?, unless i missed it i have not seen anything about it on Gawker or Jezebel.