It’s the best competitive multiplayer game I’ve ever enjoyed and possibly up there with my favorite games of all time after a year of non-stop play. Sorry you don’t agree but at least you find some enjoyment out of it
It’s the best competitive multiplayer game I’ve ever enjoyed and possibly up there with my favorite games of all time after a year of non-stop play. Sorry you don’t agree but at least you find some enjoyment out of it
Play it with a couple of friends. It is the most fun I’ve had with friends in games this side of Super smash. There are very few games I still play a year after they are released, overwatch is one of them.
Buster Posey quietly backing into the bushes like Homer Simpson.
Strickland is a goon.
They threaten to both eat poison berries at the same time, thus depriving the game of a winner at all, and then the game master relents and lets them both win together.
These are all reasons why it would be fine to listen to someone who had played 20-40 hours.
“Why the hell did he buy so many games that he never played”
Penn St. won its division, beat Ohio St and won the B1G while having the same number of wins granted an extra loss. If OSU wants to make an argument over the team with fewer losses or higher ranking getting into the B1G they can bring that up in conference meetings.
Maybe not winning your division is a good sign you should not be in the expanded playoffs? The only bad placement the BCS made was Nebraska but everyone would have lost to 01 Miami but the playoff committee not only put ohio state in they put them as 3 instead of a 4.
Technically Seminoles riding horses is cultural appropriation since horses didn’t live on the American continent until Europeans brought them.
Don’t let facts get in the way of their virtue signaling!
Isn’t the mascot always played by an actual Seminole?
Again. No one there now had anything to do with the horrible things that happened so at some point, we need to let our fellow humans who are there now and had nothing to do with it move past it. I believe we can be mature and intelligent enough to identify the monsters among us and not just throw blanket condemnation…
BREAKING NEWS: No one at Penn State had anything to do with what happened, but each and every one of them have to bear the stigma from what a monster did, but you don’t have the charity in your heart to let then move past it and that makes Gus an asshole for thinking they should be able to. Okay. Carry on.
...THIS is overwatch at it’s best. So funny. I literally laughed out loud this AM...a lot of people on chat think they know best...and then they suck. The Mcree behind the crate? PERFECT.
People lie about reading books for the same reasons that motivated you to write that comment.
The problem with this blog is that this has never happened, ever, to anyone.
@ihatetwitter: "I want a story that captivates my mind and heart like a narcotic."
@SteveNaismith: Also, please look up the dediniion of "pedantic" while you're at it.
@ihatetwitter: Good, heartfelt, witty writing isn't interesting to you?