


“I just don’t want this to turn into a witch hunt,” said Woody Allen, frantically looking for a place to hide his broom and cauldron...

This, THIS is the level of our national discourse. All this time we’ve been trying to outsmart them, but that was totally the wrong approach. How do you win an argument with someone who bashes themselves on the head repeatedly with a hammer and tells you that you’re victimizing him?

It *is* jarring that these women’s stories are finally being widely heard. It’s good though, and about damn time. Part of me thinks this will mark a sea change in how pervasive sexism and assaults are believed, but I won’t pin my well-being on it.

On a related note, Von Trier is an overrated director too.

If only some cunning sleuth could connect the dots to figure out who the perpetrator was. If only this puzzle didn’t have so many missing pieces...

If I was a celeb, I would be the kind who would not travel with an entourage for the purpose of hanging out, I would just travel with people that do actual jobs in furtherance of whatever creative endeavour I’ve got cooking and who otherwise leave me alone. Which means that I don’t need a big room for a large group

Ooh, I like that idea. I may also need my fictional green room to be draped in white.

Just edited mine to also include premium gin and tonic, good call.

To get started, here’s mine, as thought of right now at this very moment and subject to extreme change:

I think “mood lighting” is a reasonable request. I hate bright, overhead lights. Ambient, lamp style lighting is a must. Totally reasonable.

Dear Jezebelles, today was the best day of my life.

I’m fairly certain this is a case of people not getting Nordic humor.

It’s totally a joke. They’ll probably Star-Wars it where everyone will have to read it in the same room for 6 hours and hand the script back before they can leave.

There’s zero chance it’s not a joke.

I bet it’ll work because season 8 will actually be six episodes of non-stop fight scenes where the only thing the actors will hear through the earpieces are grunts, groans, and maybe a one-liner about someone sending their regards to someone else.

It seems unlikely that an actor would be the source of a leak, anyway, and it wouldn’t stop all the others who work on the show during production to know what the plot was.

If true, this is putting the cart waaaaaaaaaaay ahead of the horse. Like putting the cart ahead of a pregnant horse, with the expectation the unborn horse will push the cart.

It sounds like a joke.