Right?! If someone very seriously asks me for that information I’m going to nope right out of there. If they laughingly tell me that because I’m a Taurus and they’re an Aquarius we’ll both probably win the lottery today then sure whatev.
Hey, it’s also possible you are 14.
It’s always been clear that men are exceedingly bad judges of character, so it’s nice to be on the same page.
Holy shit yes. All the time wasted to read about that garbage when you could have been studying something interesting. Like actual astronomy.
I had a friend who did Tarot readings as a party trick. They were generally pretty good, but just asking her for advice or character analysis was also pretty reliable, and her readings in a lot of ways a dressed up version of that.
Oh, thank goodness. I came here to write this, and am glad I’m not alone in this reaction. If someone wants to figure out my astrological compatibility, they should by all means ask for the relevant information, because I want to know if a date puts stock in such things beyond occasional amusement value as soon as…
I think everyone should absolutely upfront ask for this information if they want it. Because it will tell their date that they’re batshit insane. And if the date answers enthusiastically it means they’re equally insane and the chart might not be needed because they’re super compatible.
My friends and I did this in high school but like to joke around! I can’t imagine taking this seriously.
If you do this, YOU are the psycho in your group of friends that everybody talks shit about in a group chat.
I did this a solid decade ago (for amusement more than anything, I don’t make decisions based on the stars), so nah it’s not new.
We live in Ivankaville, USA now, didn’t you know?
Doesn’t even sound like fun trash.
It’s a bad imitation at one of her mother’s films.
If she’s the intellectual superior of Harry, why’s she the failing interior decorator and he’s the filmmaker?
Sorry, I’ve seen Sweet Home Alabama way too many times to buy Candice Bergen as Reese Witherspoon’s mom.
They’ll just get Steve Martin to build a bigger BETTER one.
Kidman better get that Emmy.