Is this real? What is happening? Where are we? WHHHYYYY?
This feud and both the artists involved in it are tiresome, but isn’t Taylor a long way past the “good role model for tween girls” stage of her career? It’s not like her old stuff was chock full of healthy messages, nor is most other pop.
Team FedEx.
She’ll go “Doink de doink doink!” The extra “doink” makes it artistic.
I can’t think of a musician feud that produced two worse songs than this one. The Katy Perry one was so bland and forgettable, but this new Taylor Swift is just hilarious for all of the wrong reasons.
So she’s just going full Conner4Real now? Can’t wait until she releases her 2017 gay marriage anthem and gets upstaged by Cardi B on her tour.
Holding out to see what the Official Yogurt Partner for Taylor Swift new album is before I take sides.
I didn’t make it past 1:34 of that song so I would not have recognized your parody. Sadly the part I did hear made “Swish Swish Fish” sound better by comparison. That UPS commercial was creepy, maybe it needed a snake?
I’ve just been in a rage fest since last night. CLEARLY what tweens (and mostly tween girls) need to hear right now is the message that you can justify acting like an asshole because of the actions of someone else. I could’ve gotten behind a slam track at Captain Ass Grabber along the lines of, “You assaulted me so…
It hasn’t even been 24 hours and I am already exhausted by Taylor.
This is amazing. Given that TayTay exerts maniacal control over her image and brand, how in the hell did she convince herself that this was a good idea? Good god. She should stick to what she does best: dating B-list actors who need to boost their profiles so that they can land an acting gig in the next Ron Howard…
(you missed the joke)
Beautiful gowns.
Who is the collective “we” that applauds her for not defending herself for over a year? When someone wrongs me I address it immediately. But that’s hard to do when they’ve got you on tape and you’re busy plotting.
Taylor Swift is a coming-of-age blog broadcasted to the entire world. Which means, really cringe-worthy and very self-important. I can completely empathize with her on what she’s trying to do emotionally while also thinking this song is so bad that I have already forgotten it even though I just finished watching the…
I mentioned this before but I can’t find it in myself to get that worked up about Darth Becky and I think it’s weird how people have rewritten her as evil incarnate. I dislike how she put Kanye in her revolving door of victim hood and that the racist media leapt on it. She’s annoying imo and I dislike her white…
The track sounds like “I’m so sexy” and the trivial lyrics don’t resonate with the times. It’s tone deaf literally and figuratively. Lana Del Rey help her out. Also It’s hard to believe Taylor is older than me. She comes off like a petulant teenager. It took her this long to write this response?
Aren’t you generally supposed to release a good song for your album’s first single?