
Not sure which is weirder, Chris Sanders directing this obvious flop or Allison thinking his most noteworthy credit is being one of the 18 (!!!) co-writers on The Lion King and not Lilo & Stitch, the Disney movie he wrote, directed, and starred in?

and call your union rep.

Maybe someone from the industry can chime in, but I can’t shake the feeling that these pics that fall into the Uncanny Valley do so in many ways because the crew is working on desktop computer screens and never gets to see “dailies” ie footage blown up movie screen size - until it’s too late. So maybe the look works

I’ll add this to the mounting pile of evidence for Dan Stevens needing a new agent.

Free Leela !!!!! Seriously, if she can survive this she’ll eventually end up married to someone far safer in marriage number 2. 

Poodles are overrated. The people that run those dog shows need to get over their elitism. Daniel is a good boy and a worthy winner. But that Shetland Sheepdog SHOULD have been the winner. Havanese had a strong case as well.

What I like best about this is that they pick things that are not actually gay at all and yet, at the same time, are absolutely, deeply gay. Like yes, it IS pretty gay for a movie to be called “Diane”, but I wouldn’t be able to explain it if I tried.

And goddamnit, I had a tear in my eye when he did the no-look blaster shot in the Sith temple, just like his old man. <3

It’s the small stuff with Kylo Ren, too. I loved his little shrug before he started whipping all the Knights of Ren’s asses in Rise of Skywalker.

The fact that Adam Driver can so subtly shift his genuine malice when he plays Kylo, to a slightly heightened comical malice without losing a beat is what makes me love him so much. 

It’s an absolutely disgusting TV show. The episode they did on Hooters was REALLY something else, as the CEO was absolutely stunned to see one of the restaurant managers engage in sexist behavior towards his employees. The whole “I would have never expected something like this at a Hooters of all places,” completely

That skit is brilliant. Not just the concept, but the editing, acting and overall execution. It’s probably the best thing SNL has done in a decade. 

Thing is, if we forced them to use their money we could solve a lot of the world’s problems. Maybe some sort of tax?

I’d love to watch a foreign version of Undercover Boss.

Henry Cavill is a goddamned handsome son of a bitch.  

Im still pissed about Carter.  It was the best of the bunch and yet it was put out to pasture.  Bullshit.


Is this show, as Guillermo del Toro insists, now better than Breaking Bad? I might have to agree.

enjoyed this season although much like with True Detective Season 1 I somehow expected the cult stuff to get a lot weirder and to have made deeper inroads into the town.  Hope there is a season 3

I disagree about Heather: I don’t think she’s been left with nothing. I take from the last scene that Julian was told she’s his sister, and that she’ll be in Julian’s life probably more than Vera now. So that’s the theme of makeshift family, I think: Julian lost two mothers, found a sister; Heather lost a father,