
Gangsterflake should be your new kinja since youre such a scary snowflake at the barricades.

Whatevs snowflake. Keep projecting your fear onto me. You’re melting all over the comment section.

As you can see, Denver and Telluride (East Hollywood) elected Clinton for Colorado. Oprah and Tom Cruise have homes in Telluride.

I used to date an NFL running back and thought I knew everything about football.

A “snowflake” is a guy who is encouraged by conservative (and I’m being generous here) media and its host of commentators to be so fragile that even the slightest tinge of empathy, or compassion, for their fellow citizens, or the greater good, winds them up into a gun-clutching frenzy of outrage and epithets.

A snowflake is somebody who sees #trump2016 in chalk on a sidewalk and needs a cry room. Milo and I are both activists, not snowflakes or wall flowers or any fucking type of pussy that needs EstablIshment Coddling to GO TO CLASS WITHOUT A MENTAL BREAKDOWN.

Well Ive been hit on by celebrities so I know Im hot.

Im not upset. I think most of the pearl-clutching of the Left is laughable and pointless.

Yes we are two cool, sexy conservatives. One gay one straight. W/ aviators....

I have taught school. All grades actually. If there is one thing that I know would make even continuation school kids snap to attention, it would be KNOWING THEIR TEACHER HAS A DEADLY WEAPON.

You know, always playing the “race card” especially when it DOESNT FUCKING APPLY HERE kind of wears it out after awhile.....

See, mock horror^^^^

Amen. Voice of reason in cacophony of mock horror.....

If my phone was stolen by a student, I would TELL the students I have a gun. No more stolen phones.

No. No gun safe. You need to be able to pull that weapon out and neutralize a shooter without all the safety considerations of a gun safe. Those kids will be into that gun safe in no time. Get a CCW.

There is something called a Carry Concealed Weapon permit. The teacher keeps the gun hidden on their person until a threat presents itself. That way 1) it is ready if you need it, 2) secured if you dont And 3) knowing teachers may have guns is a great deterrent of potential school shootings.

So you can shoot back, making schools safer....

Because school shooters know there are no guns in schools, they make “soft targets”.


Weed is also being left to the states and some states are making the most of it.