
That’s because I didn’t necessarily disagree with much of it and largely what I disagreed with would have been splitting hairs or just debating on your personal tastes on the merits of a movie it sounded suspiciously like you hadn’t seen, or at least have reasons for disliking that I probably don’t share. It just

If a door texture failing to load is the one thing coloring your view of a game that is absolutely filled to the brim with beautiful and stunning visuals you might just be a miserable asshole.

If the tweets were from a couple years ago or while she was already in the workforce that’s one thing. But when the ignorance was from a person’s teenage years, I’d hope folks would be open to giving her a chance to show her growth in the past ten years.

I liked BtS more than LiS2....

She apologized in 2019, not when she got “caught.”

You don’t need to be a Trump supporter to get riled up by the rhetoric that’s going around. Minority groups have always been pitted against each other by the supremacist culture. So if the wider culture is giving you permission to act on your worst impulses, well, there you go.

This article feels kind of gross. Like, I get the whole angle of helping people save money or w/e, but I feel like going “You should not buy this game (which we think is kinda fun!) because it’s on a streaming service.” is one of the actual boogeymen scenarios that streaming cynics point out. 

To be fair, the campaign, save for the couple missions that were just the open world multiplayer, was actually pretty solid. It was the whole live service and multiplayer design that is a complete mess. If the game were just a linear campaign without gear and cosmetics I think it would have been received much better.

Just because you hate the game doesn’t mean that hasn’t been a request by the playing fanbase since day 1.

I’m delighted by it. Once I finished the campaign I wanted to go back and replay it to find all the references and Easter eggs that I missed.  It’s also a great story and well worth replaying just for that.

I’m not about to replay it but it was a pretty good campaign. It was everything that wasn’t the campaign that were more the problem.

Not bad, but I still prefer this one:

To be fair, I had no idea what it meant for 20+ years.”

Why do you need to be fair? And why in the world would you think your ignorance let’s somebody else off? It it about you?

As you said, you were lucky you said it in a safe space and not some place you got your nose broken. (I’m not the tough guy, but my dad could

The fact your statement is “Sony does not have a solid 1st party ecosystem disqualifies you from the debate. lol

Reaffirms my decision to go with a PS5 and Switch for consoles and then a PC. There is so little reason for an Xbox to exist. Just build a modest gaming PC and you have basically an Xbox but all the utility and flexibility of the PC as well.

Because she did a photoshoot with a world-famous phootgrapher where you can see her nipples, she deserved to be harassed and bullied on national TV? C’mon man, do better. 

Can you call being sent to a militaristic reform school being “emotionally supportive”, though?

Not really. I mean their views are a threat and there is precedent that they can be violent, but they also have a history of effectively playing the victims when attacked to gain more power.

Nazis are a threat. You can’t be a Nazi and not be a threat to others, it is an inherently violent and hostile ideology.

ok, so here’s the thing about depression: there isn’t a cure, you don’t “get over” it. It’s a chronic condition that gets better and worse, and it isn’t rational.