
This is a huge move. Microsoft’s exclusives have been laughable, so if they go ahead and make EVERY Betheseda game, from this point forward, Xbox exclusive, that’s going to be really big. The type of move Sony absolutely HAS to counter or they will be seriously fucked next gen.

I am liking all the power moves Sony and

Your loss.

No. That never happened, except in the case of the Dreamcast.

With the exception of the Dreamcast, I don’t think there has EVER been a console worth buying in its first year.

While I actually do agree with this, I do find it funny that we didn’t see any of these editorials when Microsoft announced Halo would also be coming to Xbox One.

Mortal Dicktaster is a giant Xbox fanboy. He exists only to talk down Sony and talk up Microsoft.

Great showcase. Shit all over everything Microsoft showed.

Man, how does Phil Spencer’s asshole taste?

The only system to ever be worth buying at launch was the Dreamcast. After that, no system has been worth buying the first year.

I’m not sure how you’d be able to play a PS4 title you have a disc of on a system without a disc drive. I do wonder about games with PS5 versions, though.

I absolutely have to laugh in the faces of everyone who thought they’d repeat the PS3 price. There’s no way Sony would have been dumb enough to do that. To be honest, I’ll probably stick with the digital only version as I haven’t bought a disc in years, but I do have to wonder what that means for games like Witcher 3

This is definitely a foot on the throat of Microsoft, even if I’m not super excited to see Final Fantasy going back to the fantasy roots of the first 6 games. I did prefer it when it was more sci-fi, but no one can deny this isn’t a big deal except the most ardent Xbot.

Keep that settlement bullshit far away from me. That nonsense was a big part of why I never finished Fallout 4. I absolutely HATED it.

Yup. Sony did the smart thing and I very much hope they were smart enough to use this opportunity to cut Microsoft’s legs out from under them. If they waited like this and still go over $500, then they deserve to lose next gen.

 Sony Pony? Are you twelve years old? What kind of sad, pathetic man child, probably living in their mother’s basement would use a grade school insult like that? Saying that automatically makes you a target of scorn and derision and means that nothing you have to say is of any value from the point you allowed yourself

Sony have the opportunity to bend Microsoft over a table if they launch the PS5 for $400, have a 50/50 chance of taking the next gen if they match it at $500, or will find themselves back in PS3 territory of fighting from behind if they go $600. Since I have no urge to ever buy an Xbox, I am obviously hoping they

That is the ugliest console I have ever seen.

Sony can eat the lost money and obliterate Xbox right out of the gate if they undercut the X by $100. $50 would be nice, but $100 would destroy any hope of Xbox taking this gen. Price matching or going higher would be suicide. Don’t forget how the original Playstation slew the Saturn. 

Someone needs ointment for his butthurt.

Not a damn studio is going to hire him after all this. This is the very definition of “difficult to work with” as far as execs go. Go check his IMDB. He has worked in only ONE project (True Detective) since Justice League. This guy is basically killing his career by going after a studio exec without a clear allegation.