Charles Engasser

Wow. That’s....hideous. And I’m not talking about the gas mileage.

“She shat in his bed” can only be spun so many ways.

This won’t effect my decision to purchase a Polestar.

-40 is the same for both. That’s the most important one to avoid.


One would think being caught by a red light cam while receiving ... well... would have been #1.

Toaster ovens are useless. I just tossed mine as it took up a ton of space on my counter. I use my regular toaster multiple times a week, it’s 1/3 the size of the oven, has a retractable cord, and has slots wide enough for buns and bagels, and has a bagel mode that only toasts the insides. When I’m done, it stows away

One major point in Costco’s favor (besides the treating employees better). None of that money goes to Walmart & co.

If you live in an area that doesn’t frequently freeze and you have wet spots that don’t drain, Banana’s are really good at sucking the ground dry. You will of course never be able to get rid of them either short of napalm, but that’s a different problem.


Right now....

I’m a semi-frequent user of Mikes Hot Honey, and I can honestly say it only works on certain things (for me).

Whatever ends up on this list, I’d be willing to give up for a battery that I don’t have to take half the car apart to replace.

I keep searching for sexy “IT Vendor representative”, but nothing shows up. Meanwhile Linkedin pages for sales reps for companies like CDW and such tell a different tale....

When you imagine someone you know (or don’t) being hit by a run away garbage dumpster that’s on fire and it brings a small light of joy to your cold dead heart.

This seems to be a clear cut a case of ‘Stand your Ground’ as you’re going to see. People are upset because a Republican was on the receiving end.

Last time I checked, California Olive Ranch is the most widely available reputable olive oil around. It’s even sold @ Walmart.

I thought you said deals. Not cars that will cost you as much to own one as it does to buy it. No deals here. know. you can soux vide this also, you’ll use a lot less oil. Plus, you can set the soux vide for 135-140 and there’s no chance of overcooking it. The hardest part is getting the bag to sink. I float something heavy on the surface of the water to keep the bag under.

Sounds like you did the HHR owner a favor. I wouldn’t wish an HHR on people I hate.