
I had chills at some points.

Agreed, the second one was pretty bad ;)

That's when I learned about it.

Reminds me of Myst/Riven...

Looks very cool. I've been waiting for something like this, except this does it nicely because it allows going back to full screen.

Still needs Flint. But cobra commander's wearing his correct uniform.

Haha, very true...

A new iOS... I can't work without windows...

Do you think Steve Jobs would have done this, had it not been for his illness?

You're that guy that makes someone feel terrible, then asks them to shake your hand.

Upload problem? Low quality, so the upload compensated? Low battery? I see many possibilties...

I love the Twilight Zone so much... best TV show in my opinion.

Did anyone else read the title as "I like how conservatives made..."?

The planet like design of this game is screwing me up.

Don't you know!? The word three is not in Valve's vocabulary...

Reminded me of this... these things creeped me out.

I don't know how but I've never seen one at a zoo before (even though there's one 5 minutes from my house), but they're awesome...

Completely reminded me of my dog, how cute!

The picture at the top of this article was actually pretty clever.

"Uncharted teritory?" These guys are serious...