
What if he inhaled?

What can't an iPhone do that a less stylish phone can?

I tried picking a frame I wanted for my wallpaper too. Any frame between 0:00 and 3:10 will do.

The Spartans won. But I still think Apple will win.


Agreed. I think it looks pretty cool.

@Mindfield Exactly what I was thinking.

Very clear.


It's pizza I swear!

Thank you for that. I hate articles likes this but I can't keep myself from looking at them. I have to find my dogs now and hug em.

I live in buffalo... and the allergies suck. Mine have been acting up with or without medicine, same with my dad's. It's not fun.

I think I now know why people post +1


I like the soft light it gives off... I like it.

Thought that as soon as it started, but the song they play in this video is horrible.

Was that from doug?