Charles McGuffin

I just started Super Mario Land 2 for the first time. Bought on my 3DS (That isn't good for anything besides GameBoy games -.-).

You know this is bullshit, because Midna is wearing clothes :P

And that's why Animal Crossing is a stupid "game".

Religion is only for idiots anyway


His comment is more about PCs in general, than PC gaming. PC would be the best platform, if developers actually would give a shit about it.

It's much more then ONE sided, since there are much more genres than FPS. And FPS has become the worst genre in the last seven years. I've played most FPS and I have become sick of it. They're far to similar to be enjoyable. They have become more and more the same. Boring a to b running, with shooting everything

So I would simplify my comments into: Nothing can spoil it FOR YOU, if you don't care about it.


Well DUH! Dark Souls isn't your generic retarded FPS. Nobody should buy Rage.

Do you even understand what you write? Apparently not.

If you wouldn't whant to know the story, you can change the channel or shut off. And it doesn't spoiler anything if you don't want to play the game anyway. It can't ruin anything in any way.

Second sentence: "It will ruin the game's prequel. Literally." It doesn't ruin anything. And if it does? How? Explanation please.

This has to be one of the most stupid articles here on Kotaku. How does it ruin Uncharted 2? Is Sony releasing a mandatory patch that removes all the cutscenes from the game so I have to watch it on TV?

Since I'm in europe I could only get a PS3 where the Emulation is partially done by software, but Odin Sphere runs just fine and looks great.

It's an Ego-Shooter, so of course you shouldn't buy it.


Machines aren't replacing musicians. Musician are using machines to make music.

God Hand. Hell Yeah!

I wouldn't have to talk like that, if the commenting function would word properly. Sometimes comments don't appear at all, sometimes they only appear after 15 minutes of more. I refreshed the site several times, but my comments never appeared. I know I'm not the first one, but; everything got worse, after the layout