
I am not in the mood for shit-stain white opinions pretending to be oblivious to institutionalized racism. Can the likes of you please fuck off until this whole thing dies down a bit? Thanks.

So he got charged with attempted murder of the other teens he didn't end up killing. But still not charged for murder for the one he did? So, if he actually succeed in killing everyone he would be walking free then, huh?

Where the fuck is the logic. Someone is dead but he didn't murder him? But he tried to murder his

Why are people so offended.?The Pill and other forms of HBC (although very useful and important) kind of sucks and is capable for doing harm to the female body. It's not that magical of a pill for a lot of women. Many literally can't take it without major discomfort or risk.

Oh,so we're just going to pretend that being engaged in light to medium physical activity while you move about for your job is the same thing as doing cardio and deadlifts in the gym for 6 hours everyday. Ok.

I guiltily enjoy every second of it anyway.

Being West Indian, I can tell you Barbados is one of those islands that still has a VERY strong plantation society with whites still firmly at the top and blacks at the bottom. It's pretty disturbing.

Only now, thanks to their heavily tourism dependent economy, blacks work in hotels serving whites rather than on cane

Addiction is an chronic, debilitating illness. It's not something people do out of malice or can make logical decisions about. Have some compassion for Chrissake.

Oh look, the celebrity death police have arrived. Here to tell you why you're stupid for mourning the loss of your favorite actor.

"you're tacky and I hate you but you might sell magazines"

You are so right. ANY safe space has a tendency to degenerate into tribalism and into a nasty "us vs. them" dichotomy.

Madonna's vampirism of youth is fucking predatory at this point. She ALWAYS does some pseudo homoerotic display with the youngest hot star. Remember her B.Spears phase? Ugh.

That's the thing about stereotypes, they don't have to make sense. The point of this stereotype is not that fried chicken is disgusting. It's that black people are inferior. It was originally used to peg them as poor and unsophisticated.

Black people are inferior —> black people eat fried chicken —> fried chicken is

Hm. Interesting, you would say that.

If I had said these people did this to deliberately and consciously show hatred towards black people I usually get responses from white people that state they did it out of out "ignorance", not hatred. And that their "intent" was harmless.

In this instance, I chose to acknowledges

Fried chicken and watermelon. The same racial stereotypes they used to demean, mock and marginalize black people is the first thing they turn to when it's time to "celebrate"us. Do you see that when racism goes unchecked how deep the delusion will continue to run?
They'll use the same racist traditions they've always

do people like these videos because they want to see the industry change? Or do we just keep making and watching them over and over because it's part of our morbid fascination with "make-overs" and watching people go from plain to pretty?

Crazy? It just happened right in front our eyes. Or are you not following this story?

and jesus, sorry my reply was so poorly written and full of errors. wtf. I had just woken up.

I didn't mean it in a smug way, actually. My b if it came off that way. It's the damn ellipsis.

The fact that's she's transgendeedr and people often point out the genitalia of transgender to insult and attack them is what makes your joke/compliment a fail. I'll give you that your probably didn't think of it. But saying something like to or about a transgenderd person irl would be taken as extremely rude and

White people are adopting black children hoping that one day it gives them a free pass to say Nigga. No exaggeration. That's how seriously desperate some of them are to use the word.