
The comment you just replied to claims to reveal the true name of one of your sources. Suggest deletion?

The current tax code and spending pattern is leading to massive deficits. Bernie’s tax plan reorganizes the tax system to better balance the budget and invest in our economy, infrastructure, and development as a nation. We are paying out the ass for wars and redevelopment of foreign countries that were pushed through

Now, who was it who started this thread of idiocy, by asserting that every wealthy American whose politics are left of Gerald Ford’s must automatically assume the maximalist communist position of giving away all his money to the big-bad guvmint at once? When you make an absurd argument you should resign yourself to

Nevermind tired of arguing with people, no one ever had their tax beliefs changed by a car blog.

“pilot refused to fly until Obama apologized..”

When someone is at the bottom of the food chain in real life, some people’s only place to have any power over others is in video games.

Drumpf is spending a few million to do the same to the American people, trolls be trollin!

True, but, more generally, what you don't want to be is in a (poor) black neighborhood in Chicago. West Englewood is a dangerous place to be, regardless of your color.

You realize by being white you have a very low chance of being a crime victim in Chicago right? What you don’t want to be is black in Chicago.

I dunno, I always liked Shirley Manson.

Best buy has a great deal on this 27” Asus monitor. They have a few other deals as well. I personally went and bought the 27” Asus monitor yesterday and it is fantastic.

Best buy has a great deal on this 27” Asus monitor. They have a few other deals as well. I personally went and

I think 4J stated the Ps4 and XB1 version would be about 36x bigger. I found the 360 version big enough so the Xb1 ps4 should be nicely sized. plus the console version crafting is far less complicated No guess work or memorization.

No doubt this is incredibly problematic and hurtful to the way we sexualize young women and how we see ourselves. However, when I read the headline, I'll admit that I thought it was implying that US Vogue violated the initiative, to which I was pleased to see it did not. If there is one thing you can say about Anna

With regards to this incident, the most plausible explanation of the crash is driver error. Sure there is a chance that there was a mechanical error, well it would have to be something that spontaneously happened with one or more of the systems or just improper torquing of critical fasteners by a worker that is not a