
If judges got bribed as much as people BELIEVE they get bribed, there wouldn’t be enough room for all their yachts. Judge didn’t need any money, he’s just a shitty person.

I’m interested in seeing if this judge is as lenient with young black men 2 weeks past their 18th birthday.

“And Mom’s yelling n***er, n***er.”

Note, the kid was describing what mom said BEFORE she took a sedative. Not that taking a sedative matters at all.

OK cracker.

The vocabulary used isn’t (always) determined by where it is published. When people are having a discussion about a given topic, and they are using the vocabulary common to the field of said topic, it doesn’t help your case to say “well ackchyually, the dictionary sez...”

I see now that you aren’t really interested in

Nah, this is more like the difference between how a scientist uses the word “theory” as compared to how the word is used in the common vernacular. One usage is much more precise.

If you want to enter a discussion about sociological topics, you should be prepared to use the jargon common to that field. It makes sense to

My answer was an appropriate response to the question you asked:

So if a Puerto Rican person says he doesn’t want his kids marrying Cubans, because none of them can be trusted, is that racist? What if a Cuban says he doesn’t want his kids marrying Puerto Ricans, because none of them can be trusted?”

You asked “is that

I mean sure, I wouldn’t argue against that point. However white people can very much be prejudiced against “white” Hispanics. White people can very much be bigoted against “white” Hispanics.

How well white bigots treat white Hispanics often depends on how “Americanized” the Hispanics in question are. Do they “act”

“Cuban” isn’t a race. So no, it wouldn’t be racist, it would be prejudiced, maybe even bigoted. But not racist.

especially relevant when they have the technology to regrow lost limbs.

Nah, I’ll still blame the districts. It’s not like they haven’t seen the privatized bussing scam happen over and over again in other districts. So the school boards are either incompetent, or corrupt when they choose to privatize bus services based on some pie in the sky financial projections that have never panned

Reigns can also be really long due to the riders preference of having extra length to use a weapon against humans. But ALSO to tie up the horse.

Ah semantics, the place where people attempt to negate what they cannot justify.
They used those reins to whip someone. At that moment, they were being used AS a whip, hence it is appropriate to name them as such. Now, cruelty to animals is a terrible thing, but I have seen riders in film and television using said

wow, it’s like people cannot see the connection in how words are formed. Bicycle and tricycle can both be referred to as motorcycles. Lose the prefix, bi- or tri-, you are left with -cycle. Add “motor”, and you form a compound word motor-cycle. It should be obvious to see how “motorcycle” can refer to both 2 and 3

I’m not the one who decided to turn this into a political discussion. I’ll bet you drag Joe Biden into all kinds of irrelevant conversations. You sure you don’t have Joe Biden living rent free in YOUR head, it sure looks like it.

I’m a white man, back in the early 2000's I used to work at an Alternative High School with an Afrocentric theme (Nguzo Saba anyone?). It was in Irvington, NJ. One year my secret Santa gift was a FUBU sweater. It made me feel like I had arrived and was considered part of the “Us” in FUBU. At least as far as the staff

If it were ONLY some “mean tweets and some questionable marriage behavior” you might have a point.

Also, no, I’m not going to give you a list. You know what he did, you just don’t care.

“Legal Guardian” is in it’s own distinct legal category. We have no reason to believe that Buttigieg and their partner are not in fact the legal and quite possibly biological parents of these children through a surrogate. Obviously, they cannot both be the parent of the same child. But to call parenthood “legal

What’s to point of putting gold leaf on food. Like does it do anything to improve the meal itself, or is it just to flex? I’m assuming it’s to flex.

Problem there is that the Karens just call the cops and hide in their homes/cars/etc. We all know what cops do when they see a black man who looks like “he’s done legit time”.