Appropriate name you gave yourself. Almost your entire comment history is defending police killing black people and denying the existence of racism
Appropriate name you gave yourself. Almost your entire comment history is defending police killing black people and denying the existence of racism
I have a feeling that the Dora Milaje have access to, and are trained with ranged weapons as well. Remember, sonic spears exist, as seen in the Battle of Wakanda. But let Ayo get her hands on a .45 and I’ll bet she don’t miss. The only reason you didn’t see that is because they prefer to fight in close and they got to…
Don’t be so certain of that. The women are likely wearing vibranium enhanced armor and ballistic fabric. Basically they are bulletproof unless new Cap pulls off nothing but headshots.
I’ve seen Slash live twice. I’m convince he is neither Black or British, he’s not even human. He is a terminator sent back from the future to shred guitars. Dude is a guitar playing machine. Amazing!
They’ve already making enough to where smart investing means never having to work again, and they are still earning. So I wouldn’t worry.
If you can somehow renegotiate you debt and end up paying less without breaking any laws, how is that “stealing”?
Just keep in mind when dealing with people who try and claim Rittenhouse was just protecting homes and businesses. The state of Wisconsin, like most states has specific requirements for armed security guards. It was literally illegal for Rittenhouse to assume that role.
Should have simple said that it was done indoors due to security concerns. Pelosi is a high profile target with a full time security detail from the Capital Police.
Being President ages people.
Need to be charged locally so the Governor can’t pardon.
The problem with this sort of protest is that it only works once. Next time the cops will be ready for it.
looks disgusting in any livery or color
We learned it from y'all.
My 5 year old twins say “sorry” immediately after hitting each other. Not because they are sorry, rather because they want to avoid punishment.
Except militias WERE used to stop slave revolts and kill Native Americans, not so much to oppose tyrany.
Washington was a gentleman. It would have been considered right and proper for him to show mercy after the rebellion had been put down.
The purpose of the second amendment was to allow local officials to quickly respond to slave revolts and to fight Native Americans. Look up the Whiskey Rebellion to see what the founding fathers thought about your right to oppose their rule.
Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one it watching. You do you. I’m not perfect, but building better habits has the begin somewhere.
I think Biden read the room and felt like this was the kind of response that would make him more palatable to the typical blue collar Democrat that voted for Trump in 2016. I can’t say he’s wrong on that point.
That said, Biden is not my choice. I want Bernie.
White guy here, I can tell you exactly how that convo went...
Boss: Listen Cletus, you can’t go callin them n!@#$%^ in public any more. I’m gonna have to let you go... Look, go home to your mamas trailer for a week and then call my brother Jimmy, he’ll hook you up with a job.
did the rules change? I thought us whites weren’t supposed to use ANY version of the n-word. Shit, I don’t even say it when singing along while alone in my car anymore.