
self-critiquing is hard. I commend you for trying, even if you can’t remember the perfect R- word to describe yourself.

Why is this guy out of the grays?

You really think the concept of a “pay what you can afford” restaurant is an original idea?

It seems like one of those concepts that is so glaringly obvious that it has probably been “invented” many, many times.

But sure, it’s more edgy to say it was “re-appropriating

As a white man, when we have these discussions among ourselves. I get to hear what white people say when there are no people of color around. Yet, almost any mention of racism immediately gets shut down and turned into a reason to attack the person that dare mention it. I’ve been accused of virtue signaling, white

Ah yes cynicism. How edgy

I don’t know, seems like the sort of idea that could easily have occurred as an “original” idea to multiple people. It’s really not a super complicated concept.

If you’re gonna shit on his hometown at least you could spell it correctly. It’s Sayreville NOT Sayerville. Which is a pretty typical suburban central NJ town. Yeah, it’s declined a bit since it’s industrial heyday, but it’s not the shithole you portray it to be.

I may be biased as many of my HS girlfriends came from

I truly hope the officer was in uniform when this happened.

Otherwise the defense strategy will be how this “upstanding young man, the son of a police officer even, was in fear of his life when an angry black man threatened him”.

Fellowship of Christian Athletes and the Salvation Army ARE anti-LGBT organizations

They don’t “have to”.

It’s just that if they don’t, no one will believe them.

Because it’s not 2008. What worked for Obama in the past won’t work for defeating Trump in the future. Specifically BECAUSE it worked for Obama in the past, the racist will make damn sure it’s not going to happen again..

Except in CA Dems win even if a good portion of them sit out.
This message is really more important in battleground states where a few thousand voters could conceivably shit the outcome

my favorite part was how his dad won the respect of the racist white firefighters. I mean, I’m pretty sure they were still racist, but now they got to play the, “I have a black friend” card.

I’m sure there were many racist conversations with those racist white firefighters where they had to clarify they weren’t

don’t confuse the guy who helps you manage your retirement portfolio (financial advisers) with the executive level guys who actually crashed the economy (the bankers)

what you pay in taxes is more than the yearly salary for the average American. Not gonna feel sorry for you at all.

Still chump change to a cartel (who may very well have stolen the equipment from a construction site)

The only people I can see who might be allowed to display Nazi regalia and symbols are WWII veterans displaying captured a war trophy.

WotC owns AD&D, D&D, and it’s successors, which is inclusive of all of the official rule sets and associated IP that was created for D&D since the 70's.

Gary’s own home campaign was always kept separate and distinct from what was published for sale to the public. I’m guessing that is what is being fought over here.

Bruce Springsteen is the furthest thing from a racist. Too bad we can’t say the same about his fandom. It’s like they don’t even listen to the lyrics.

I don’t remember if I’ve ever called the cops. But once I had a bunch of teenagers trying to blind me with one of those spotlights that plug into a cigarette lighter. I had passed them and noticed they were playing with the light, then they slipped in behind me and started aiming the light at my mirrors. This was

I still miss WWF Smackdown for the original Playstation.

The create a character was based on television ratings. You started as a jobber doing house shows. Go in and defeat you opponent too quickly with only a couple of moves would result in a low rated match. A highly rated match would be one where mixed up your