Sweet Dee

They need a sexy sheriff to come out of his coma STAT

Survival instincts are not in play for most of them; that's for sure

Devils advocate, these people could be in shock. It's a lot to take on. Many people return to a child like state when put in an emergency situation. It's not surprising people would make such stupid decisions when they can't think clearly

Addiction is a mother! You're mid-apocalypse and you still can't take a day off from it

It's very possible I interpreted it wrong, but she creeped me out when she said it.

Ruben Blades is ready to fight. He seems to be the only one with the right mentality

It's one of the few times we've seen any decent mothering out of her. Distracting people from being terrified can be important during an apocalypse

Well that's his first mistake then. Pacifism is nothing to hide behind

I wonder what Madison meant when she said she was going to take care of Nick. Yikes

Elizabeth finally got some decent screen time tonight. I find her far more likable than the female lead

It's odd to me when people get upset at a rape scene but seem rather apathetic during death scenes.

"It's like you're three different people"

I find Charlie very attractive but the more he talks, the sleepier I get

A masked vigilante known as Sailor Moon?

I went to a catholic school and they taught us condoms fail over half the time. It was…….inaccurate

I love it!!!!!

Pam's the janitor. Lol

I'm a Sixteen Candles gal myself. I prefer my Molly Ringwald when she's sad and unpopular rather than sad and popular

"Wait, is this going to be like that time you promised to take me ice skating, and I got really excited about the ice skating, but then instead of ice skating, you left me at home so you could go to the strip club and then you took the strippers ice skating?"

Or "Clean up your shit, Todd"