@resvrgam: If I might add, If a game producer feels the need to shift to this direction, It clearly is in demand.
@resvrgam: If I might add, If a game producer feels the need to shift to this direction, It clearly is in demand.
@Manly McBeeferton: hehe. do watch out though... Much like Ctrl+F, I wish this existed in real life too.
@PoweredByHentai: They really need to add the ability to reply to multiple people on here.
@Manly McBeeferton: @PoweredByHentai: It's a nifty addon for firefox called Rikaichan.
@Manly McBeeferton: I'm relying on an addon, but this seems about right. lol.
Really, so recycling is a bad thing? I get that what gamestop is doing is bad practice, but there are other outlets for used games and I think its a good thing they still exist, there's way too much of a throw away culture that has developed.
@The Sentient Meat: hehe. classic scene!
yeah, Im sure someone has already referenced Azumanga Daioh. but here for the nth time. =D
oh my. I want.
@Gonzie: well, as it has been mentioned, it is entirely optional. doubt they'd take something off completely that is part of the name of the device.
I. Like. JRPGs.
@Tank: I almost raged, because I thought you were calling boobs sexual organs.
@Thorn14: it... it's beautiful.
My body was not ready.
@Raso719: Ahhh. good times. lol.
@diabadass: yeah, one just needs to google: "xbox achievement hacking" and you can find a good chunk of results (of course like any search there are phony results, but there are also working ones). The difference though is that Microsoft has made a pretty clear stance that they will ban any modded consoles and what…
@xxXX_Insanities_Birth_XXxx: well, first, I'd have to say that claiming that it will ruin the industries is largely an assumption and generalization. I cannot really agree with them because otherwise Sony could not possibly have survived the PSX and PS2 eras, with the amount people were and are pirating. (It's also a…
@Maxerman: Yes, assuming and generalizing is a good thing.
@Areinu: hey, don't be hating on the 12 year olds that are tinkering!
@diabadass: I didn't mean to come off as demeaning on trophies, (as many people do enjoy getting them.)