
@AgentSmithAndWesson: Have you had that level made since before the biome update? I'm not 100% sure, but you may have to create a new one for the changes to take effect.

@Skunky: woah. actually completed more than I thought this year:

@madammina: heh, when I was playing, I was expecting her death the whole time, I still used her. I didn't expect it that early in the game though. 'twas devastating (I remember sitting there for a minute or two being like "I don't really want to play anymore."), but this was occuring merely days before Advent Children

here's one thing I've never understood. Drawing/sketching/painting and traditional artforms, are considered art.

Now playing

Ice Cream? Ice Cream. (may be considered slightly nsfw? fair warning.)

@Dr.Rabbit: there's a fan translation that's been under development for a very long time. No eta on it's completion though.

You know what's better than Gift Cards? Straight up cash.

SQUARE, DO THIS: BRING BACK AIRSHIPS YOU CAN FLY. THAT IS ALL. (also, awesome music while that is occuring, but that's a given.)

@dracosummoner @smirkette: The only people that I could see that really hated 12 were the ones that found it difficult to use the battle system.

if there's an option to secure my privacy, but it's only available behind a payment, I do not use that software on principle.

ah Ys. what a stellar series.

@Goldenage: see. that would be nice. but 1) you'd need to somehow convince the corporations involved to justify such a significant increase in operating costs. and 2) you'd plunge an entire class of people into poverty because the cost of living at this point would skyrocket.

I like this.

@Stinkface: while I do feel that each developer has the choice to make such a game or not, I kind of don't like the tone of that quote. It sort of demonizes the people that would make such a game. (because if they are not comfortable with dealing with such a subject, then by all means they shouldn't have to make a

@TheCowboyPoet: haha, yeah I noticed that too. most things I order from Japan arrive anywhere from a few days to a week earlier than things that I have ordered from the States.

@Wulfzoid: Super Nintendo - list of RPGs