
@Gambit09: haha, you waited this long, what's a few years? XD (scratch that, Decades.)

@dolo54 blows minds and blows engines!: they aren't manditory, you can jump right into the races. I felt the licenses were actually pretty good, as I am absolutely terrible at racing and have picked up some useful things in those tutorials.

@estoril3: oh thanks, I didn't know this existed, I will take a look.

@Feral_NK: yeah for truth, when 14 was announced to be some revolutionary new MMO, I kind of had some hope that maybe it would be something interesting, but unfortunately we were wrong. D:

How about something like mentioned in the article, except you can be say a leader of a band of warriors (sort of like typically at the beginning of a typical srpg), going around completing missions and what have, you. There could be turf wars and group quests and the sort of things that take multiple armies to get

Dude, if Square made a Final Fantasy Tactics Online. FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU..... Ivalice is one of my favourite game worlds.

@xybur: you sir, are a hero.

@TheBlueOne: to be honest, as much as I love Touhou, you can definitely tell which one has been a fully polished production. Cave makes some really good shooters. Give Deathsmiles a chance, you'll be pleasantly surprised. or, if you have a 360, Guwange is a great game too, it may seem a bit dated now, graphicswise, it

@Nawara_Ven: yeah, this is one of the reasons I'm not really too keen on the future of gaming being digital only. Importing is going to seriously be difficult. It's a pain to try and use the JP PSN store for dlc and what have you for japanese games, and well, I don't see that being much different on a system like

@Dave Harris: you know whats funny? I loooooove Cave. I never realized this until you you said that. aaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaha.

@uzivatel: well, they have brought, Deathsmiles over. but this title, lets say,... is a bit more niche than normal.

@TheLawn: Shooters are one of the few "get the highest score" types of games that are still popular, that's why you see so many of them. Honestly, I kind of prefer that style, I don't always need a coherent story, or OMGREALZ Graphics. I just need a hard challenge and these are teh games that provide it. I feel like

@DAMG0014: Sexuality isn't exclusive to Japanese Culture. Just sayin'.

@Monkey With A Gun: the treaty is actually for weapons of mass destruction, completely normal ballistics or small lasers or what have you, as long as they are not along the power of nuclear weapons, are fair game.

@Shinji F: this is from the air force. not NASA.

If you thought getting people to drive less was hard...

@Bruce Landwaster: yeah. except if you live in Canada. (drawings and fictional depictions are also considered child pornography.) so... robots are gonna definitely be made the same way.

honestly man, the pizzas weren't even that big of a deal because it usually went to the guy with the lowest health. It was ALLLLLL about the fire hydrant in level 2.

I was worried for a second when I clicked on the link, seeing the Tim Rogers name and my scrollbar was larger than a hair width, but then the page loaded and all was right in the world.