
yeah, my last DS was the original one, so I'm about due for an upgrade.

@stop2: yeah same. I keep it closed when not in use, haven't had a scratch on my DS screens at all... fingerprints however...

@ThreeOneFive: same thing here. My parents allowed me to play games from the moment I was able to hold a joystick. But they were also pretty careful (at least while I was a child) in which games I was allowed to play, I wasn't restricted from playing games that were typically above my age level, but they were careful

@plasticmouse: eggshell white is the new gloss black, man.


well. here's hoping to a western release eventually. D:

didn't really get much of a response in TAY because I tied it to another question, so I'll give it a shot here.

@Shinta: yeah, tbh I probably will pick it up, but it's likely going to be not played for a bit. I've got quite the backlog atm, and well, I'm allready working an a fairly heavy alchemy'd game in star ocean. but yeah, after a little break playing something else, it should be good. if nothing else, it should keep me

@flox44: whatever man. I cant hate on a game with an entire planet of catgirls.

@Cleesox: go for it. I bought at full price and it was worth every dollar.

Star Ocean IV is awesome. that is all.

Level-5's a pretty cool guy. eh publishes good games and doesnt afraid of anything.

@Cochese: Tanooki Suit Epic: I'm not sure how familliar you are with the actual project, but the suit is designed more for heavy lifting. (it has a 17:1 lift ratio, which is quite impressive in istelf). These other experiments you're seeing are the project branching out to other fields.

Now playing

@goofygamerboy88: if you're okay with Electronic music, Perfume is awesome. If not for the music, their dancing is top notch.

ahaha. Yes.

@mrClint: Nope. I'd say that's firmly in the Want category.

I think a lot of people are missing the point here. This is clearly aimed at the people that either, don't have smartphones because they think the same thing the commercials are depicting, or just plain don't have smartphones.