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One summer, I was working at this place that printed these forms for some company, and we had 3 sizes of boxes that we filled, depending on how many pages had to go out to that customer. now, as they were coming out of the printer, we took the stack and filled the boxes, stuck a shipping label on them, and stacked

Atelier Rorona next week!

@Dragoona: mutate cats into doctors....

The first picture makes me think some civil engineer was playing too much sim city.

@MazdaMania: yep. and it's only gotten worse. I live in an area that was built in the 80's and its fairly subdivisioned, but honestly. It was on the edge of the city at the time it was built, but 20 years later, they started heavy development of the types of houses you described, and well, we're back in the middle of

@Tenacious_Z: I think i just peed my pants at the idea of a 3D shmup.

@MuppetChrist: more like, boot up the P:\ (yep. a separate 320gb drive, just for teh pr0n.)

@Rannxz: I don't think you're the type of person he was aiming his comment at.

I have unfortunately trimmed it down. (oh its still a full beard, just not so wizardly), as I needed to get a passport photo taken and I didn't want to look *completely* like a terrorist.

Finally beat Dragon age: origins earlier this week. Really wish I played it on PC as I heard it was way better. I probably am not going to go back to get the achievements. Kind of a bummer, I was looking quite forward to the game since I enjoyed mass effect so much.

@Name of Numbers: It's quite true. the sound quality on phones really don't seem to cut it.

oh dear. I played ep. 1 possibly as much as I played wow back on the Dreamcast.... (a lot). it may be hard to resist.

YUSS. man. here I was, being all like. oh man, I can finally catch up on all my games. now there's all these wicked games coming out at TGS and I guess we're going to break the 2000 hour mark in estimated games to play on my backlog. oh well.